

Meditation is a very important segment of the conscious thinking. It is the awakening of the consciousness, the beginning of REVELATION. It is the intense dwelling in thought, upon an idea or theme with the object of carefully comprehending the result. It lubricates the brain, making it active to it functional unit resulting to It production of truth and valid understand. And whatsoever you constantly meditate upon, you will not only come to understand but grow more and more into its likeness, for it will be incorporated into your very being and will become you. This was why THE DIVINE emphasis more on meditation when “HE” said. “This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall MEDITATE on it day and night, that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in; for then you shall make your ways prosperous, and then you shall have good success.”  Meditation is a unique component of the conscious think, it is associated with the thinking that have to be placed and focused on only one thing, the thing meditating on must be unified with the desires of the conscious mind. If unity of self is achieved, meditation is completed and the truth is revealed. Spiritual meditation is the divine ladder that reach from earth to heaven, it is the ladder from failure to success, death to life, pain to peace, sorrow to joy, ordinary to super ordinary. Every great saint has climb it and very sinner will soon or latter climb it if the divine must be achieved in life. HE WHO MUST KNOW THE TRUTH IN EVERY ASPECT OF LIFE MUST MEDITATAE. IF THERE’S NO MEDITATION, THERE’S NEVER A REVELATION.  Meditation in the spiritual dimension is the secret of all growth in spiritual life and knowledge, every prophet, sage and savior became such by the power of meditation. Jesus, practice critical meditation until he could declare, “I and my FATHER are one”. Meditation focused upon divine realities is very essence and soul of prayer, it connects the conscious you to the DIVINE HOPE OF GLORY in you. It is the silent reaching of the soul (you) towards the eternal (needful truth). Mere consciousness in petitions or prayers to obtain the divine without mediation is a body without a soul, and is powerless to lift the mind and heart above sin and affliction. If you keep on repeating prayers, petitions for wisdom, peace, affluence, loftier purity and a fuller realization of truth, it means there exist a dichotomy in you, it shows that you are praying for one thing while living and meditating out in thought of another. The palmist once said the word of GOD is a lamb unto his feet and a light unto his path, he who earnestly meditates first perceives a truth, as it were afar off, and then realizes it through consciousness by daily practice. HUMAN WEAKNESS, BY THE POWER OF MEDITATION IS OVERCOME.   The direct outcome of meditations will be a calm, spiritual strength which will be it stay to every practitioner and resting place in the struggle of life. Spiritual meditation and self-discipline are in-separable; it only therefore causes the meditation among self so as to try and understand the self. Meditation must be distinguished from idle reverie. There is nothing dreamy and unpractical about its existence. It is the process of searching and uncompromising thought which allows nothing to remain but the simple naked truth. In meditating, you will no longer strive to build yourself up to your prejudices, but forgetting the SELF, you will only remember that you are seeking the truth. And so, you will remove one by one the errors which you have built around yourself in the past, and will patiently wait for the revelation of truth which comes when you have sufficiently removed the errors. This is a very critical process, thereby the SELF nature fight against the self, resulting to the division of the mental conscious awareness in the person, during that time, do not stop, “for HIS strength is made perfect in your weakness” which you will come to realize when achieved in the silent humility of your heart. Select some early portion of the day, or any section of the day in which to meditate and keep that period sacred to your purpose. No saint, no holy man, nor great teacher of truth ever lived who did not choose out some early portion of the day, Jesus habitually rose early, and climbed the solitary mountains to engage in holy communion. As by the power of meditation, you grow in wisdom and stature like BABY JESUS, relinquishing more and more wisdom to yourself. Your selfish desires which are fickle impermanent and productive of sorrow and pain will take your stand in increasing steadfastness and trust upon unchangeable principles and will realize the heavenly eternal rest at last. MEDITATION BRINGS REVELATIONS. The use of meditation is the acquirement of a knowledge of eternal principles, and the power which results from meditation is the ability to rest upon and trust those principles which becomes one with the eternal. Let your meditation take their rise from the ethical ground of delusion which it occupies now and be transformed into the steady truth of perseverance. To be spiritual awakened is also to be mentally and physically awakened. THE END OF MEDITATION, IS THEREFORE DIRECT KNOWLEDGE OF TRUTH, GOD AND THE REALIZATION OF DIVINE WISDOM AND PROFOUND PEACE.

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