DEFINITION: To walk in the Spirit means to in the Principles, Laws, Ordinances of GOD.
TEXT: GALATIANS 5:16 & JOHN 12:21-24.
What Does it Mean to Walk in The Spirit ?.
It important you get this, to work in the Spirit, is to work in LOVE. The reason why it's important for you to work in LOVE is because, it's the only fruit of the Spirit, all other things are the attribute and characteristics of Love (See Gal 5:22). If we work in LOVE, which is the greatest, all other things will be perfected with your ability to be in the Spirit. This is why JESUS emphasis more on LOVE because it is the vital aspect of walking in the Spirit. Without LOVE, it is eternally impossible to walk in the Spirit. It important you get this. Another thing I want you to understand is, to Walk means literal sense of going along or moving about on foot at a moderate pace. It's found numerous times in the Gospel. When Enoch a righteous Man Walk with GOD and GOD took him ( See GENESIS 5: 24) "Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him". Enoch walked with GOD. But before Enoch walked with God he had to Die to the Cross, which simply means to keep the Body subdue under subjection ( 1 CORINTHIANS 9: 27). To walk in Hebrew- WÔK means go, walk , tread, wend one's way , proceed, continue. Walk also mean to come or go easily or readily. Elisha walked with Elijah readily without going back to his Home to take permission. 1 KINGS 19: 19 - 21 says 19 "So he departed from there, and found Eli'sha the son of Shaphat, who was ploughing, the twelve yoke of oxen before him, and he was with the twelfth. Eli'jah passed by him and cast his mantle upon him. 20 And he left the oxen, and ran after Eli'jah, and said, "Let me kiss my father and mother, and then I will follow you". And he said to him, "Go back again ; for what have I done to you?". As you can see Eli'sha went with Eli'jah easily , in verse 16 God gave Eli'jah instructions to anoint his chosen Servants and Eli'sha was chosen to be a Prophet, why was he chosen because he walk in the Spirit. Always remember this without the Cross or rather the carrying of the Cross you can NEVER, never WALK with GOD. Jesus said in Matthew 10:38-39 "he who does not take his Cross and follow me is not worthy of me . He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for my sake will find it". Verse 38 make us to understand that without the Cross or rather if anyone do not carry his Cross( pay the price, DIEING TO THE FLESH) and follow me is not worthy of me.. Jesus is your only Friend in good time and bad time. So pay the Price, die to the flesh daily and accept Jesus in other to follow him because time is Fast Running Out. John 12: 24 says "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone ; but if it dies, it bears much fruit", in verse 20& 23 , read it for more understanding of the verse. In other words, it means those who went up to worship and those who was with them worshipping at the feast were some Greeks. Verse 21 made us to understand that those worshipper went to Meet Philip who was from Bethsa'ida in Galilee, and said to him, "Sir, we wish to see Jesus", and in verse 22, Philip went and told Andrew; Andrew went with Philip and they told Jesus. In Verse 23, JESUS gave a remarkable answer, watch this, 'HE' said and answered them, "The hour has come for the Son of man to be glorified". Then in verse 24 we read how "HE" talked about the only way to see 'HIM', which is the dieing to self, this were 'HIS' words, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth( Repent of his Sins, Carry his Cross ) and die ( deny the Flesh, subdue his Flesh) it remains alone ( And WAIT) but if it dies ( Carry his Cross, Repent his sins) it bears much fruit ( Grow in Christ). When you walk with God, it important you get this that waiting is also a characteristic of Walking with GOD/ in the Spirit" . You need to understand The Word WAITING. In the Dictionary waiting means being and remaining ready and available for use. In the Hebrew, waiting means Silence, a quiet waiting repose. It origin from( damah);Stillness adverbially Silently, abstractly quiet, trust. To wait means WAIT means in the main Hebrew, meaning Sit down and Shut-up especially in THE SPIRIT AND MIND. As you wait, the Flesh wither away. As you wait POWER comes and the secret of power is waiting upon the LORD.
-We wait because the FLESH will lose it's Force( POWER).
- when we wait, the Soul, meaning the Emotion, will, heart come to submit or subject to the Spirit.
PS 25:5 says "Lead me in thy truth, and teach me, for thou art the God of my salvation; for the I wait all day long. You can't seek the LORD unless you wait upon the LORD and he will teach you how to see HIM".
- In waiting GOD quickens you to seek him. In Psalms 25:5 you get that.
- Waiting enables GOD to quicken you, Psalms 80:18 NIV:Then we will not turn away from you; revive us, and we will call on your name. You can't PRAY until GOD quickens you.
- God cannot show his Grace without you waiting
- GOD quickens you when you're completely QUIET (In SPIRIT AND MIND). Isaiah 33:2 ESV:"O Lord, be gracious to us; we wait for you. Be our arm every morning, our salvation in the time of trouble".
- Without waiting there's no power in your mouth and Angels are weaken in your mouth while the demons are Strengthen.
- When you wait God empowers you how , because the fullness of the Spirit and our waiting are linked together, that's how you get strengthen by GOD.
Reasons why GOD Ask Us To Wait.
- Waiting empty us of our self( Self redemption).
- Waiting quiet the Soul.
- Waiting enable the Holy Ghost to touch our depth. Like the Story of The Pentecost. Act 2:1-3 KJV:1 "And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place".
KJV:"And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting".
3 KJV "And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them".
KJV:"And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance".
KJV:"And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven". The Disciples of Jesus( YESHUA) were gather in one accord and wait, then Verse 2 After the waited the present of the LORD come upon them like a Mighty Rushing Wind, and they were Filled with the HOLY SPIRIT and the unlocking of another Dimension became a reality, ( That's when Power came and they were Filled with the HOLY SPIRIT). In verse 3 they were were filled with THE HOLY SPIRIT which appeared like a cloven of tongues as of fire and it sat upon each of them. And they began to speak in several tongue. Wow what a wonderful Visitation I wish it could fall on us all.
The easiest and the Simplest way of being filled with the HOLY SPIRIT is by "WAITING".
- When you wait you learn to be Discipline.
Be discipline and you learn how to See God.
Now lets talk on DISCIPLINE.
DISCIPLINE in the Dictionary means the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behaviour, using punishment to correct disobedience. Discipline means practice of training people to obey(submit to the authority of (someone) or comply with (a law). In Africa mostly among The West Africa ( Nigeria) the best form of training a child is by Discipline. For example, when he does something mistakenly, they are corrected by the Flogging method which is the best option for the Parent, or they prefer to send their children to "Bording School, to learn how to be self discipline and independent. But in the Heavenly Dictionary Discipline means/ is defined as Self- Impose Standards for the sake of a higher goal, this is self Discipline, it is rarely practiced by the Physical realm inhabitants. If one is not self imposed he can't obey any laws, rule's of any Government/ Earthly Constitution. As a matter of fact, All leaders need to have the quality of Self- discipline, whosoever is deficience in this quality among the earthly leader is not a leader, until you re Self Discipline. Self Discipline also implies that they're other discipline, in other words, discipline externally is consider as the other discipline, as we had spoken about earlier. A leader like I said need to be Discipline, but they don't need much discipline from the outside (World), they need to impose self discipline on themselves and that's called Self- Discipline. Get this please if you're a Leader in any position you're holding..
- The KEY to achieving your Vision in walking in the Spirit is DISCIPLINE.
- A Human being without Discipline is like a Human without Vision, Mission, direction, Function, action,.
Proverbs 29:18AMP: "Where there is no vision [no redemptive revelation of God], the people perish; but he who keeps the law [of God, which includes that of man]—blessed (happy, fortunate, and enviable) is he".
- Where they're No VISION no REVELATION.
- Discipline is the root of leadership and the foundation of walking in the Spirit. Discipline is the very nature that attract people to you, is not the buildings of your church, or the fancy clothes you buy. Watch this, a Discipline person attract people to him because they Admire discipline in him, but if you're not Discipline, people will run away from you, no matter the royalties you have. where there's no Discipline, you can't walk in the Spirit because of the influence of the flesh..
- Discipline is power and according to the Bible, Discipline comes from Vision. A man/woman without a clear Vision for themselve live a loose life, but a man with vision live a narrow life.
- DISCIPLINE makes you to humble yourself and seek the Lord wholeheartedly 2 chronicle 7:14 KJV:"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land"..
When you re waiting on the LORD... God will teach/ reveal how to seek him, if only you Seek the Lord wholeheartedly.
How to Seek the LORD.
- By waiting on the LORD.
Steps on what you should do in waiting on the LORD.
- The cares of the Wind,The food in your heart(careless things ),get rid of it.
- The impurities of the EYES, The eyes must be purified and santify.
- The impurities of the Heart, without holiness, purity it's impossible to see GOD. The heart must be cleaned.
- The Mouth that praise GOD, must be purify. It cannot be fill unnecessary things or any unworthy Word, The word defiles you, it defiles your heart. Remember "You shall give account of all the careless word that cometh out of your mouth" that's what the scripture said.
- Your singing praises out of defilement, Which cannot attract the presence of the LORD. Sing praise that attract the Presence of GOD.
- The MIND is corrupted, the mind must sing and praise the LORD, the mind must not be DEFILED.
- The Spirit, Soul and Body must be one in Loving GOD and in Seeking GOD.
- When you PRAY, you must pray with all your heart, all your mind ,and all that is within you.
This re things that you should do.. They that wait upon the LORD will not be put to Shame. I Pray for you all to receive Strength in waiting upon the LORD......
Greetings to you all, This re Perilous Time, The time for you has come to walk with God through the Spirit. Always Remember that Luke 9:62 AMP:"Jesus said to him, No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back [to the things behind] is fit for the kingdom of God". And if you're here and you haven't surrender your whole being(LIFE) to Chirst, and you Know that if the LORD comes now, you're not going to make it's, please repeat this after me from the depth of your heart He is calling you, JESUS IS COMING SOONER THAN YOU EXPECT repeat this wholeheartedly HE will FORGIVE YOU Of your SINS. LORD JESUS I come before the Throne of Grace to plead for mercy, Forgive me for my Wrong deeds, I accept you to be my LORD and Personal Saviour, wash me with your blood and purify me from all my wrong deeds, free me from the desire of the Flesh and teach me how to work in the SPIRT for in JESUS NAME we PRAY...
Galatians 5:16
KJV:"This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh". Now that you have given your live to Christ please don't quench the Fire, read Gospel Books, Watch The LORD'S General ( Prophet Uebert Angel, Pastor Benny Hinn, Pastor Chris, Papa Kenneth Hagin, Dr Myles Munroe, Kathryn Kuhlman Etc ) To grow and don't forget to Visit for more. GOD bless you as you continue grow and waiting on HIM.
Always remember this"Conduct yourselves wisely toward out-siders, making the most of the time and let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with Salt, So that you may know how you ought to answer every one.
GOD Love you and He always Protect His people from the The Power of The AIR... Don't be Afraid In this Perilous Time of Cov-19/21 strain of End time(Rapture).
Greetings to you all.
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