
Conscious Mind

The Conscious mind (mind).

This is the active section of the mind, it is a reflex, it is the faculty of consciousness, it is how you respond to things(data) gotten from the senses, translated by the brain, processed by the emotions. It is more powerful than the brain because the mind is the staff of thought and think, it acts as a temporary storage system feed by man perspective, environmental influences and media which later becomes the thought of man. The mind is the genesis of corruptions (acts 8:20-23), the venue for hearing and the gateway to the HEART. Data which is the raw material of his perspective either un-knowingly or knowingly preserved in the mind are easily forgotten, you are save if something is stored in your conscious mind because you will forget, it is the center of thought and hold the key of life. This is where postiche decision is made, it is the real eyes of man, the interpreter of his perspective. If his mind can’t interpret (the emotions) it, it doesn’t matter what the image is, it’ll make no sense to him. It is the module of man’s reasoning and thoughts, it holds the power of imaginations, recognitions and appreciations. It is also responsible for appreciations and processing data, emotions resulting in attitudes and actions. The mind of a man is limited in its capacity and its ability to savvy all matter of life and existence. It can be the origin of good or evil depending on the type of influence the mind delight in, for this is the origin of thought, what your perspective are defines your thought. What you see and hear becomes your thought, but what you see and hear continually (repetition) becomes your belief, which later turns to your attitudes and characters, influencing your thought through the perspective that has already been save as a belief stored in the HEART (subconscious) which develop to a habits and a tradition you can leave without. That why repetition is dangerous.

1 comment:


 Let thy tender mercies come unto me, that I may live: for thy law is my delight".(see Psalms 119:77 (KJV)). Before we start, it is imp...
