


It is the greatest gift to mankind gotten from the WORD derived from GOD, The SON is LIFE, THE FATHER is the INTENSIFIER. It is not a game, it affects and influence the activities of man including his success, failures, circumstances etc. it can never be renewing if exhausted (mortal life), it is more precious and valuable to any resources you could ever think of, Life is not possible when a thing is separated from the source, It could be miss-managing, manage (mortal life) and lost (everlasting life) if dead (end of mortal life) but not controlled and bribed, you don’t need possessions to love life, you need life to savor possessions. It works together with time, grace, thought, our words (negative or positive), our actions and each of the triune in us. It is like a bunch of thread (threads means spirit and soul), and threads of which it is composed are individual lives (different lives), the thread, while being confined (placed in the body) are not confounded (the same) with each other, each follows its own course (is responsible for the actions gratify in life). Each individual suffers and enjoys the consequences of his own deeds and not the deeds of another, for this is LIFE, there can be no falsifying of results, the eye of the GREATEST LIVING KING reveals and exposes. There are two types of life

·      Everlasting Eternal Life.
·      Mortal life.
Everlasting Eternal Life.
This is a fathomless life only experienced by a believer of the KINGDOM OF GOD, through JESUS CHRIST the Way, Truth and Life (John 14 vs 6) by the word, thus the word is the life, anyone who lives according to the word, hearing and doing it Lives, (John 5 vs 39-40). It is never meant for the pharisees and Sadducees (RELIGIOUS PEOPLE).  “Truly truly, I say to you if any one keeps my word, he will never see death’’ (everlasting condemnation) (John 8 vs 51). It is life beyond measures, eternities to eternities in a blissful, splendor, unique, affluent un-describable matchless majestically HOLLY KINGDOM. This is the legitimate power of man which was lost, it is the life of the inner men living in you (spirit and soul). It cannot be destroyed by the destroyers (Death, pestilences, sword, famine, destruction) but activated by the manufactural, when the mortal(physical) life of any believers is exhausted. It is a life of blissful experiences, verve, poise, full of happiness, secure, free from evil practices and torment. This is a messianic promise from The KING to his believer. ‘’for GOD so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in HIM shall not perish but have everlasting life”. No man can ever unleash this power by his own free will, as a matter of fact, you must be free(death) from an earthly suit(body) before this everlasting life is enjoyed. Don’t be muddle, only a Righteous believer enjoys this everlasting eternal life through JESUS CHRIST our LORD, therefore do not be deceived all liars, adulteress, idolatries and all sinners either indulging in big sins or little sin, shall have their part in the heavenly lake of fire, for this is the second death. The soul that sin shall perish. Note anything you luxuriate that does not glorify GOD in your mortal life is sin.  I have set before you LIFE (everlasting eternal life) and Death (everlasting condemnation, 2nd death), choose LIFE (everlasting life) that you may live. There is still hope for anybody who knowns in his heart that he will not be a partaker to this great power called everlasting life, all he/she has to do is to accept JESUS in to his/her life and never return to the sins of their past.
Mortal life
“The years of our life are three score and ten, or even by reason of strength fourscore, yet their span is but toil and trouble they are soon gone, and we fly away”. It is a life of limit, the period from birth till death (the limit). It is a privilege, a mission, a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. It is a period of sowing a zera (seed) before the harvest (freedom from the body), working, utilizing your talents, potential to influence humanity for the glory of GOD for a limited time. It is full of pain, struggles, torments and so much working for the kingdom you believe you represent in any aspect, area and place you are, through the use of your talent, potential, skill and education acquired. ‘’take heed watch, for you do not know when the time will come’’, ‘’either make the tree good, or make the tree bad and its fruit bad, for the tree is known by its fruit. ’behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense, to repay everyone for what he has done’’. My pals anything you what to do, that glorifies the kingdom you represent on earth, you better start doing it, for time is fast running out. Only have this in mind THE KINGDOM OF GOD, is from everlasting to everlasting and in him no darkness but light, ‘’let the evildoer still do evil, and the filthy still be filthy, and the righteous still do right, and the holy still be holy. For any worship apart from the worship of GOD is idolatry. Blessed are the dead who dies in the lord henceforth. Blessed indeed, says the SPIRIT, (HOLY SPIRIT) that they may rest (have the power to everlasting eternal life) from their labors, (works for the KINGDOM OF GOD). You choose either you use your limited time (mortal life) wisely or not. For GOD will bring every deed into judgement, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.

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