


"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (see 1John 1:9). The foundational doctrine of CHRIST and the doctrine of HIS Kingdom is like a tree with numerous branches. Amongst the branches of the doctrine of CHRIST, we are going to be focusing on the important foundational parts the world and even some so-called Christians have regarded common, which is Repentance. Before we further discuss this in detail, we must understand Repentance itself, the difference between the categories of individual who need to repent and be born-again, we must also understand forgiveness and remission, and the reason why CHRIST died for humanity. Without a clear knowledge and understanding of this, I don't really think, we'd really understand the whole topic of repentance. Let begin. The Greek word for repent in the New Testament is “metanoeo” which means “to change one’s mind” and this involves a turning from sin with contrition to God. In order words, repent means the transformation by the renewal of the mind (Romans 12vs2). Many Christians out there have turned repentance into a casual insincere ordinary day to day activity they observe. In order words, they have transformed it to a none genuine act in their life which is not from their heart. For it is said, "my people honor me with their mouth, but their heart is far away from me". When you hear the word repent, it means, changing your mindset, your thinking and your mind completely, from a genuine heart or will. In order words, it means changing your mind-drive (technical term, hard-drive) completely from a genuine desire, by deleting all worldly, wicked, demonic, negative and corrupt file from your mind. It implies the cleaning of your mind from a sincerely heart. Every Christians repents but not every Christians repented genuinely. IF YOUR REPENTANCE IS NOT GENUINELY, YOU ARE STILL A SINNER, "FOR GOD IS NOT MOCKED, WHATEVER YOU SOW YOU SHALL REAP . There are many Christians out there who confuse Repentance for being born-again and vice-versa. One thing to note in your mind is that Repentance is not for the WORLD, Repentance is for the CHURCH, so for us to be born-again, we didn't repent. To be born-again means to be dedicated to the family of GOD. In order words, it means to dedicate a sinner who knows nothing about JESUS CHRIST to the FAMILY OF GOD (Nicodemus). But Repentance is for those new creatures(The Church or Believers) who were in the Way (Kingdom) before, then missed the way (The Lost Sheep). In order words, repentance is a channel created by GOD to put those people (believes) who have missed the way (sin) back on the right track (way) (The Prodigal Son). Repentance is for people who believe in GOD. So do not confuse the idea of repentance and that of being born again, this are two different things. REPENTANCE IS FOR PEOPLE WHO BELIEVE IN GOD (JESUS CHRIST) WHILE TO BE BORN AGAIN IS FOR PEOPLE WHO DON'T BELIEVE IN GOD (JESUS CHRIST), IT IS FOR THE WORLD TO BECOME A NEW CREATURE. JESUS CHRIST didn't died to forgive man kind of his sins. The problem with some Christians is that, they believe and think that Christ died to forgive them of their sins. This complete concept  is wrong. The problem with misconception is that If your concept is wrong, what you do, think and say will be wrong, so if you have a wrong concept about the crucification of JESUS CHRIST, definitely you will believe and think HE just came to forgive sins. Another thing to note is that, There's a big difference between REMISSION AND FORGIVENESS. If JESUS CHRIST came to forgive us of our sins, then we have one problem which is our sins are still remembered. YOUR SINS WERE NOT FORGIVING, YOUR SINS ARE TAKEN AWAY (REMISSION) AS IF YOU NEVER SINNED. In fact JESUS never forgave you of your sins, instead, HE took away all your sins (remission) as if it never happened. In order words, the new testament people (humans till existing immediately and after JESUS died) which is us, GOD is not forgiving people. There's no forgiveness for any believers of CHRIST JESUS in the sense of GOD giving you forgiveness when you confess, instead, your have been given remission, your sins are taken away, GOD have provided Forgiveness in the likeness of REMISSION TO ALL BELIEVERS IN CHRIST JESUS. "The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work (Sin)" (1John3:8) and to give remission. If you understand Remission, you will understand the purpose of JESUS CHRIST CRUCIFICATION. Note, any were you see forgiveness in the Bible replace with remission, CHRIST came to take away your sins not to forgive you of your sins whether you are a believer or not. "For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly". The only way you can access this remission, is to confess your sins with your mouth from a genuine heart. To confess our sin with our mouth is not to list our sin before GOD. Some Christian think to confess their sins before GOD is to list their sin before HIM, this idea is not right. In order words, if we think that's the meaning of repenting and forgiveness which is remission, is to be confessing all our sins by listing them, it means we have a big problem in Christianity. It means Christ never suppose to die for us. As long as you can remember your sins, if that is the case, JESUS suppose to only shout from heaven, "guys repent, I'm coming back soon". If we still continue to have and believe this evil concept that we have to confess our sins by listing them all with our mouth, that means SALVATION IS BASED ON MEMORY. What if you forgot what you did, does it means the one with better memory to remember all their sins are better Christians. Can you say all the wrong things you did all? Even the ones you'd no idea you are committing, can you say it all? If that's the case, nobody will leave the prayer room. To confess means to acknowledge, to tell GOD that you agree, acknowledge, and say the same thing HE says about your sins, not you listing them. In addition, The primary Greek word for “confess” is OMOLOGO OR homologeo which basically means “to say the same thing” and then “agree, admit, acknowledge.” The context must determine the precise nature, emphasis, and meaning of the word. Thus, it can mean to acknowledge sin or to confess or acknowledge someone as something. This is what Apostle Paul meant in Romans 10vs9 and Apostle John in 1John 1vs9, not for you to list them. "That if thou shalt confess (homologeo),with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.(see Romans 10vs9) and "If we confess (homologeo) our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (see 1John1vs9). He that have ear let him hear, Repent o Church, be born-again o world. This is what it means. Do not ask for forgiveness, take Forgiveness (remission) when praying, OUR FATHER (JESUS CHRIST) paid it all for us Amen. please listen to the genuine chosen GOD'S Generals, never despise them.

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