

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts".

In the universe there are two types of dimension, we have the dimension of the word and the world. Please, it important you understand this. In a dimension, you can only be invited, and when you are finally in that dimension you were invited to, you begin to behave, interact, act, speak and do things according to that dimension you were invited into. That's why when JESUS accepted and came to the dimension of the world, He behave, act and interact in the dimension of this world. In other words, He became Flesh just for our sake, (see John 1:14). Take a look at the servant of Elisha, when he was invited into the dimension of Elisha by Elisha, his fear ceased (see 2Kings 6:15-19). WHEN YOU ENTER A DIMENSION, YOU BEGIN TO BEHAVE ACCORDING TO THE DIMENSION YOU ENTERED. There's a great difference between the dimension of the WORD and the dimension of the world. When we talk about the dimension of the word, we mean the spiritual interaction with the realm of Jesus. When we operate in the dimension of the word, we interact spiritually with the realm of Jesus Christ, there by behaving and interacting Spiritual like the dimension we operate. in other words, the word can be define as a divine and spiritual interaction. But when we begin to operate in the dimension of the world (Flesh), we interact socially not spiritually. Thus, the world can be define as human and social interaction, which are mostly evil and demonic. There's what we call dimension vocabulary. In a dimension, you cannot use a vocabulary from another dimension to a present dimension. The vocabularies for both dimensions are different, both in interpretation. This was the problem why most of the congregant of Jesus had problem with His teachings, including His disciples (they still had to ask Him in private what He meant). "It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life". In other words, if you are not in the dimension of the word (Spirit), you can't understand the teaching of JESUS CHRIST. Just like how the dimensions varies, so the people of the dimensions greatly varies. "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people". In other words, no dimension are the same.The people who operate in the dimension of the Word are called The Church. Not a religious creature. There are some critical things I want us to understand. There are two categories of classifying things, interactions and actions in the Word dimension.
The people who operates in the dimension of the world are the nations and the religious creatures. In the world, there also two categories of classifying  things, action and interaction in the World dimension.
GOOD, HUMBLE, KIND, NICE AND OTHER IN LIKE NATURE ARE GREATLY DIFFERENCE FROM GOD. Like I said to you earlier on, in this write up that, you cannot speak another dimension language in the present dimension you dwell. Each dimensions have it own rules, instructions and ways of interaction. For example, in the dimension of the WORD, Sin is evil and Godliness is a lifestyle. While in the dimension of the world, Sin is good (this was what happened in the Garden of Eden, where as, the tree was good in the eyes of Eve (Gen 3vs6)) and Godliness is bad, spooky or boring. Another example is that of Apostle Paul. That is why Apostle Paul said "He who speak in an unknown tongue ( it is unknown because of the variation of dimensions) speak to GOD and not to Man". Let discuss more on the variation of lexicons in the two dimensions (The word and The world). In the word, the two major lexicon for the classification of things, deeds and actions are; Godliness/Righteousness and Evil as I have said, while the two major classification of actions and deeds in the world are; Good and bad. In the world dimension, what is good to/in the world might or be Evil to GOD. And what is bad in/to the world might or be GODLY to GOD. In the Word dimension also, what is Godly to GOD Almighty is bad in the world and what is Evil to GOD Most High is good in the world. It important you understand this and not confuse one for the other. If this is not understood and we continue with the idea of good good stuff, I promise you, it will make people collect the mark of the beast with the mindset of good stuff (it's a good stuff, improving life, this is what many will say). In addition, I'm not saying the word good is inappropriate ooo, but if we want to live right and do our work for GOD, we should remove good and bad, and base or rate it on Righteousness, GODLINESS and Evil, or on what is "Godly in the eyes of GOD" and "what is evil in his sight". Further more, In the world, good is associated with pity. What I mean is that if i, a worldly person do good things to  someone, it is out of pity. That is why there are ungodly people who do some good things. But me, a GODLY person, if I participate in righteousness deals, it is out of love. That's why, Jesus Christ never do good things. Remember, good produces pity. Even during his ministry, it was never recorded that he did good things. Instead, Jesus Christ did Godly things all through his life. That's why Everytime HE heals, the Bible says, He had compassion (Love) for them. Please don't forget, compassion is a product of love and in the realm of the word, in GODLINESS. That is why the bases of doing Godly things as a believers is be Christ. "We Love because he first loved us". For easy understanding, study this flow. World–Good–Pity= fruit or lust of the flesh/ walking in the flesh.

WORD–righteous–love= fruit of the spirit/walking in the Spirit. Let talk about the world. THE BIGGEST THREAT TO THE WORLD IS THE CHURCH. Take note please, we have the people of the Word and the people of the world. The world have rules (unfavorable conditions) for you (because you are in their dimension) and rules (favourable conditions) for themselves. The world force you to do what they want or will (because it is their Kingdom), but when the Word preach it system it operate in it own dimension, which is the Gospel, the world called it discrimination or a "controversial thing". Thus, the people of the Word have a culture called the Gospel which the world doesn't agree with. In other words, when the people of the Word say something, the people of the world regard it as hate speech. This is why the world create a platform whereby some are more equal than the other, allowing them to control what they want to give in to in their community. Still they claim everybody is equal. In addition, the world separate information, they make sure everyone is liberal. In other words, they have (the truth and favourable) information which are from them only and they have another (false and lies and unfavorable) information which are for you the citizens.  Psalm 2:2-3 shows the actions of the world. Back to The Word, The Word activate the spirit, the  world deactivate the Spirit. The Word is not against a person, the Word is only against the characters, actions, motives and behaviors of a worldly person. The Word have power, authority and dominion over the world (see Luke 10 :19). The world don't know the Word that's why the world don't know you (see John 1: 10), in fact they hate you (see John 15:18-25). The inheritance of The Word are the nations of the world (see Psalm 2:8). We have to be careful because there are things that are very and really good in/to the world but we don't know when it will become Evil to GOD. So we need to be careful. Don't confuse each dimensions rules, instructions, interactions and lifestyles for the other. The dimension you dwell in or operate on, is the dimension you behave, act and become. Because you dwell in a dimension, you begin to operate in that dimension doing and speaking whatever that dimension is. In other words, you begin to act like the dimension you dwell. As a man living on earth, "you can buy a house and not a home. With money you can be a clock but not time, with money you can buy a bed but not sleep. With money you can buy a food but not good health. With money you can buy insurance but not safety". In sinful nature you can behave good but not Godly. In sinful nature you can act nice but not Godly. In sinful nature, you can be kind but not Godly. In sinful nature you can decease from doing bad things but not Evil things. In sinful nature you can be good but not righteous, you can be a benevolent person but not a Godly giver. You can be clean but not be pure. This is the problem we all have as a human. There are things that are not possible to attain in this present dimension, unless you come out of that dimension and become a member of a greater and higher dimension. Do not confuse yourself, for there are two different dimension in this universe. "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts". You can't compare the Word (Spirit, Heaven and mount Zion) and the world (Flesh, demonic realm, law of sin and mount Sinai).


  1. Your work is great bro
    Keep up
    More grace and more light to mysteries and his word



 Let thy tender mercies come unto me, that I may live: for thy law is my delight".(see Psalms 119:77 (KJV)). Before we start, it is imp...
