"Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God".
Put this in your mind. IF YOU MUST SEE GOD, JESUS CHRIST IN PERSON PHYSICALLY, YOU MUST BE HOLY, this is the foundation of knowing and seeing JESUS CHRIST Physically. And, it important you know this, because most people want to see and know THE PERSON OF JESUS CHRIST without being HOLY or rather, without the PURITY OF THE HEART. Note this, You will never see GOD or even HIS KINGDOM without Righteousness, HOLINESS and the Purity of the heart (See Rev 21:27, Matt 5:20). Understand this, when we mean Holiness, all what we mean is the oneness of a person, no ulterior motive is found in that person, in other words, there's no dichotomy in that person. It means, that person is so pure that there's no ulterior elements in him, that's why GOD is one, and this is the most important quality of GOD, GOD is one, 'HE' is integrated and 'HE' expect you to be holy, oneness of self, not two different sides of you (See Leu 11:44, 1Peter 1:16, Matt 5:48). Holiness is not what you think, it is not being religious. Holiness is just being one, being integrated with your words, thoughts, actions, characters, behaviors and your belief. In other words, your words, thoughts, characters, actions, behaviors and belief must be the same. You can not say something, or tell people to do something then you act otherwise or differently. You must be HOLY and be dead to the flesh (See John 12:24). Dieing to the flesh doesn't means killing your self, dieing to the flesh means seeking things above, where CHRIST IS (See Col 3:2), not things below, you must carry your cross daily and follow JESUS. You must fill your life with GOD word and must give up every worldly nature in you, that thing you love so much which is worldly, which take most of your time, you must give it up. I want you to understand this, if you must know and see JESUS CHRIST Physically. There's and appointed time, we all must present ourselves to THE LORD, you can pray anytime you like but there's an appointed time you must meet with GOD. For example in the book of Job, we were told that the Sons of GOD presented their self to THE LORD at an appointed time. I want you to understand that the Sons of GOD always presented their self to the LORD, but that particular time in the book of Job was an appointed time they need to meet with GOD. Another example, GOD says, 6days you shall work, but on the 7day, you shall come to present yourself to me. So when you understand that there's an appointed time in your life, you need to meet with GOD, you'll see 'HIM'. Understand this, you cannot seek GOD unless 'HE' sought you, example of this are Gideon and King David. JESUS CHRIST GREATEST DESIRE TO MANIFEST HIMSELF AND HIS KINGDOM TO YOU PHYSICALLY IS MORE THAN YOUR DESIRE TO SEE HIM. Every one of us can have the privilege just as The Apostle John and other saint to be caught up to the Kingdom of GOD Physically and to behold 'HIM'. The only problem why this can not happen is because of the lack of purity of the heart, that is why we talked about holiness. If you must see JESUS CHRIST Physically, you must get rid of the cares of this world from your heart, the food of this world stored in your heart, you must get rid of. Another thing you must know that hinder you from not seeing JESUS is the impurities of the eye, the eyes must be sanctify, if you must see GOD (See Matt 6:22-23). The impurity of the heart (See Matt 15:19), as we have said, you must be Holy, without holiness and Purity, it's Impossible to see GOD, the heart must be cleansed. The mouth that praise GOD must be purify, it cannot be filled with wild, lustful and scornful things, if not when you pray or sing praise or worship to GOD, you sing or pray out of defilement, which cannot attract the present of GOD. Please understand this, the word you speak defiles you and your heart (See Matt 12:37). If the mind is corrupted by junks, it'll produces things out of defilement. The mind must not be defiled, the mind must not be wandering. If your mind wanders, that means you are in dichotomy, you are diverted into two. The spirit, soul and body must be one of you must see JESUS CHRIST physically, you cannot be divided and be multitasking. It maybe good for the world but not for GOD. When you pray, you must pray with all your heart, all your mind and all that's within you. The mind must also be involved in prayer, it shouldn't be distracted or divided into two, to do something else. When you are not distracted on JESUS CHRIST, your mind is renewed and transformed (See Romans 12:1-2). If you can do all this, you will see JESUS CHRIST physically next to you.
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