Text: GENESIS 1:26-27, 1John 4:17.
I want to thank the ALMIGHTY, for giving me the opportunity to write this wonderful teaching. I give God all the Glory and honor in Jesus name. Amen. Prayers, Father I thank thee for all you have done for giving me the opportunity to write your teaching, may your word dwell in our heart in Jesus name. Let us say AMEN.
Our topic for today teaching is You are God's Representatives on EARTH. Let's open our Bible to the book of Genesis 1:26-27 and read with understanding. God created Man in our own image, after our likeness. Wow let's read it again 26 "Then God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea. Stop there. In this case GOD was not talking to Himself but God called a meeting in HEAVEN, and said "Let us create MAN in our image, and after our likeness. Now let's us know the meaning of the scripture.
During the council meeting, when THE FATHER was speaking out HIS intentions to THE COUNCIL(THE SON AND HOLY GHOST), HE used the verb LET. And in English, whenever the verb LET is used, it is used to allow,or permit something. In other words, it is used to allow or give permission. So when ELOHIM said,"Let us make man in our IMAGE, AFTER OUR LIKENESS, HE was permitting the already made manlike beings, to be re-created to HIS IMAGE AND AFTER HIS LIKENESS. In Hebrew the word make is "ASAH, which means to form from something that is already present. To be created in THE IMAGE OF GOD, humans have been given power to share in God's rule or administration of earthly resources and creatures.Humankind, created on the sixth day, has been given the authority to rule over the other creatures God had made on the fourth and fifth days. They have that authority because humankind is made in God’s image. Man created After our likeness means resemblance; concretely, model, shape; adverbially, like: Man are created in the resemblance of GOD.
As children of GOD we ought to represent God on Earth since we are created in HIS IMAGE AND LIKENESS, and having the Qualities of GOD.
The Bible went further In the book of I JOHN 4:17 says [17]And as we live in God, our love grows more perfect. So we will not be afraid on the day of judgment, but we can face him with confidence because we live like Jesus here in this world. The Question is Are you Living like JESUS here on EARTH? We live in GOD we are no longer of this world JOHN 17:16 KJV:They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. And 1 JOHN 4:4AMP:Little children, you are of God [you belong to Him] and have [already] defeated and overcome them [the agents of the antichrist], because He Who lives in you is greater (mightier) than he who is in the world. The Bible says that " Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid". Matthew 5:14. We as Children of God are given dominion over Everything that God created. We need to live a life that represent CHRIST, a life that reflects the appearance of CHRIST. Let our light shine on Earth that men will give Glory to God in Heaven. The Bible says in AMP:"Let your light so shine before men that they may see your moral excellence and your praiseworthy, noble, and good deeds and [aa]recognize and honor and praise and glorify your Father Who is in heaven". Let men give Glory to your FATHER because of your life style. We are created like GOD on Earth, let our life Represent CHRIST ON EARTH.
1. God created people to reflect His image.
2. God created people to rule over creation.
3. God created people to worship Him on Earth.
4. God created people to reproduce godly offspring.
We're God's people and are carriers of His image and likeness to dominate the world and to reflect CHRIST.
In conclusion Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
Thanks again for your time for reading may God bless you. Watch out for PART 2.
Prayers: Father I thank thee for the Grace you have given upon your Children to read, may your word dwell in their heart. May they be hears and the doers of your Word in JESUS NAME AMEN.
Keep on read the School of the Spirit blog, as you grow in CHRIST. In JESUS NAME. AMEN.
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