

Developing a business to it maximum peak isn't easy. We all want to experience growth in our business, prosperity in all our toils in life. Most of us might be felicitous about the nature and gain from the business, we might even be carried away with it fortunes and pleasant tidings from the occupation. Which is why many have been blindfolded in the priorities of their business and lead in the path of demolition. WHEN PLEASURE BECOMES YOUR TOP PRIORITY IN A BUSINESS, THE DEATH OF THE OCCUPATION IS BORN. Never you seek pleasures in a business instead seek principles standards accomplishment quality  durability  competency and transformations. Let pleasures always be the by-product and the reward for your hard-work. HE WHO MUST ENJOY MUST LABOR, THE MORE THE TOILS, THE GREATER THE ENJOYMENTS. YOU MUST SOW BEFORE YOU RIPE. DEFINE YOUR PRIORITIES AND YOUR BUSINESS WILL BE ESTABLISH. There are numerous strategies for experiencing business growth, we are going to show you the kingdom principles for building a successful affluence everlasting Serene business. Make sure you read it scrupulously, understand the nature of the precept and the qualities you must manifest in other to experience business success.



"Where there is no vision, the people perish" (see Proverbs 29:18).

There's a popular adage which says, "WE DON'T PLAN TO FAIL BUT WE FAIL TO PLAN. WE CAN NEVER PLAN WITHOUT A VISION. Where there are no visions, there are never missions and hope for the future. What are your Vision for your company? Have you decided on what you'll achieve in the next ten twenty or thirty years? Having visions for our business is very essential if we must experience growth in it. A business without a vsion is a business without a mission and a future, where there are no visions there're no necessary imposed missions resulting to success. Vision simplifies your business life, it detect everything. Miracle never change your business but finding your vision worth doing changes everything. Do not be decieve, you can never ever have a plan without a vision. If you don't have visions, your business will keep on going through detours, it'll never have a precised direction of were it going because there are no plans. If there must be a plan, there must be a vision, you can't device a plan for an unknown vision, you can't  strategize programs for an unidentified vision. YOUR VISION IS THE PROPHECY OF WHAT YOU SHALL AT LAST UNVEIL, THE GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT WAS AT FIRST AND FOR A TIME A DREAM, YOUR VISIONS ARE YOUR DREAMS. Visions are the seedlings of realities, a business without it is a business without a future. If there are no visions there are no realities, missions directions and functions. A company without vision will watch another company with vision succeeding. What brought you into the business will not take you to the next level, you need visions and plans to go there , write your visions for your business and make plans on how to achieve those visions, if you do so, you will experience prosperity in your business (see Habakkuk 2:2). The vision of your business is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall be manifested, and be true to you: though it seems long, be steadfast to it; because it'll surely come to pass, it'll never be delayed (see Habakkuk 2:3). Don't focus on the things your company have done in the past, you cannot change the past, you can create the future. Your future is more valuable than your past. The vision of your business is the unseen success, if you don't know where your business is going, any road will take you there. Vision controls all your decisions, it defines your what to do in life, without a vision, it's tough to resist unhealthy things in your business, vision is the preview of your business purpose.


If you definitely have a vision, you'll also have a plan. You need to be discipline to that project you designed for your business. Stop focussing on the unnecessary things, stop being centered on the unimportant worthless things in your company. What you need to do is more important than what you feel to do, Stop procrastinating. Procrastination is a total barrier to the acquisition of purposeful action. If anything has to be done, let a man do it, let him attack it vigorously, "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest" (see Ecclesiastes 9:10).He who avoid discipline ,and look about for some "occult secret" for gaining success in his business at the expenditure of little or no effort on his part is deluding himself, and weakening the success which he already possess. Do not pursue pleasure, pursue principles, be effective to the race of humanity. Discipline comes from vision, your very right of discipline create trust for your future. Principles are more important than prosperity, every steadfast plan fuel by discipline produces a culture. Be discipline in the plans you have and the vision you glorify, your future will be a reality.


Having vision, planing and being discipline is ain't enough. Leadership doesn't begins with people, it begins with how you think. True leadership is self discovery, YOU WILL NEVER BECOME A TRUE LEADER UNTIL YOU ARE INTRODUCES TO YOUR SELF. Leadership management is very important in a business, without it, even with vision, plans and steadfast discipline, it'll never manifest because of poor leadership management. Leadership management is about getting people to apprehend and believe in the vision you'd planned for the business and to work with you on achieving greater success through administering and making sure the day to day activities are happening as they should. A LEADER IS KNOW BY EXAMPLE NOT BY COMMANDS, this was what JESUS meant when his disciples asked him who amongst them was the greatest (see Matt 20:26). If you really want to succeed in your business, you better stop being the boss and start being the servant. Servant doesn't mean becoming a retainer, handmaid and handmaiden, is ain't that. Servant means leading the employees of that business through the plans you have created, to the path of that vision you glorify. As a leader, you don't have to wait until Mr A is there before you do the necessary. You don't have to wait for people to tell you how to run your own business, you don't have to be stranded in your own business because Mr B hasn't come to do his duties, leadership is not all about instructions but demonstration. IF YOU DON'T KNOW YOUR BUSINESS PEOPLE WILL HELP YOU DESTROY YOUR BUSINESS. YOUR ABSENCE CREATE ROOMS FOR MANY CORRUPTIONS. If you choose to be lead by someone else instead of you, you'll never experience growth in your business. When there's poor leadership management, your business will never become successful, if you want to experience growth in your occupation, you should better lead by example. THE PRACTICAL ASPECT IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE COMMANDING ASPECT, as a general leader, make sure everybody is a leader in their area of functioning. Everyone in your company is a leader in the areas they specialize, as the CEO, it's your duty to make sure your employees are steadfast and effective in the areas they specialize in the company. This is important because it causes growth in your business. Without leadership nothing happens, nothing changes, nothing develops, nothing improves, no mistake are corrected, nothing advances and nothing succeed in a business. Leadership is born when toleration ends because whatever you tolerate, you will never change in a business. Be careful with what you tolerate as a leader because it's the leader that determine the destination of the follows. "Can a blind man lead a blind man",  your company is exactly were someone made it to, if you don't like the level your business is, change your leader or your leadership mentality.


There are no progress without determination, no accomplished purpose. What you've not decided to achieve, you will never accomplish. Determination is processed faith, it is the faith in action. Determination makes you committed to your dreams and vision you have. If there are no determinations, there are no accomplishment. Determination fuel discipline responsible for steadfastness to the plans of your vision resulting to success. A DETERMINE MAN IS A LIMITLESS PERSON. DETERMINATION MAKES THE IMPOSSIBLE POSSIBLE. Once you are determined to achieve success in your business, you begin to do the Impossible. Determination makes you to do what you never did to get what you never had in a business. FAITH COMES BY HEARING, DETERMINATION IS BELIEVE AND IT COMES BY DOING. THERE'S NO CHANCE, NO DESTINY, NO FATE THAT CAN HINDER THE BUSINESS OF A DETERMINED SOUL. Demand things of your business that are beyond what you have seen already, people who fulfill nothing are people who will do nothing. You are not responsible for how other business act, but only how yours act. The need of your business is more critical than it level of comfort, if you can think it, you can do it, GOD is the limit of your ability. The occupations who change the world are occupations whose leader have taken Impossible out of their dictionaries. The potential of your business is determined by the demands placed upon it by the creator. Whenever GOD gives you a responsible, (your business) He only gives you the ability to meet up that business if only you fear HIM. "Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart" (see Psalm 37:4). Decision determine success, unless you do something beyond what you have done, you business will never grow or experience  it full potential.


The quality of a product is the quality of a business. If the product of a business is valued, the business prosper. It not all about HOW MUCH BUT HOW WORTH OR HOW VALUABLE A PRODUCT IS. You don't have to do or produces what others are doing in other to achieve success. Until you desire to do things differently before you achieve success. You cannot imitate other companies within and prosper without, where they stop you'll also stop. Unless you decide to do things differently. Any business that would accomplish little must Sacrifice little pleasures, whosoever occupations who would achieve much must sacrifice much pleasure and finally, any companies that would attain highly must sacrifice greater pleasures. Search your own heart with all deligence as the CEO of your company for out of it flow the issues of life for innovations and transformations. Don't imitate others, achievement of whatever kind, is the crown of effort, the diadem of thoughts. There can be no progress, no achievement without sacrifices. Sacrifice all those imitating features you manifest from others, be different, produces distinguish products, and advertise your products in a eminent manner. The quality of the product is more important than the pleasure gotten from it. Good services brings more customers. When you start doing something different, people start recognizing your enough differently. This was what Daniel did, he determine in his heart to do things righteously and distinguished from other. WHEN YOU DETERMINE TO BE DISTINGUISHED FROM OTHER, GOD BACKS YOU UP.  Knowledge and skillfulness are only found in people who chooses to be different (see Dan 1:17). For the sake of this teaching, we could liken Daniel and those children as a company. Daniel signifies a company who determined in it's heart never to imitate others with the business standard of this world like those children. He determined to produce a different product regardless of the pressure of other companies. While those other companies were busy imitating  the lifestyle of business from others, he remains solitude to his own nature and techniques of his business, focussing more on the quality and not the pleasure like the others. He didn't care about what other say about, he was very focussed on the uniqueness and worth of his product. He was not impressed by power, position, influence from friends, he was impressed by his vision and the determination to produce worth products. At the end of their toils, Daniel and the others who focussed on the pleasures of their business advertise their products to the King (customers). Among the products, Daniel product was chosen by the customer (king) because there were no any other product as Worth and valuable than Daniel's. WHEN YOU THINK DIFFERENT, ACT DIFFERENT AND PRODUCE DIFFERENT, YOU PROSPER DIFFERENT. Don't be afraid to go outside the box, think different and don't be like them, IF YOU CAN NOT BEAT THEM, BE DISTINGUISHED. YOUR EMINENT VIRTUE TRANSMUTE YOUR BUSINESS TO THE PEAK OF AFFLUENCE. This are the important business strategies for growth and success. Obey and practices this precept steadfastly and prosper in your business in less than a week or month. The more you obey the more affluence you receive. This are HIS WORD which are SPIRIT AND LIFE, accept HIM today and experience a turnaround in everything you do.

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