
Discipline For Success (refined)

Topic: Why you Need Discipline For Success.

Host: Dr Great.

Before we begin this section, let us discuss about discipline.

Discipline can be define as Self imposed Standards for the sake of a higher goal, this is self discipline. As a matter of fact, All leaders need to have the quality of Self discipline. You are not a leader until you are self discipline.

Self discipline also implies that they are other discipline, in other words, discipline externally is considered as the other discipline. A leader don't need much discipline from the outside, they self impose discipline on themselves and that is called self discipline.

Before we further, let establish some philosophy on discipline.

- The key to achieving your Vision is Discipline.

- A Human without Discipline is a human without Vision.


Let Justify the above philosophy with the instruction written in our manual. Come with me to proverbs 29 vs 18. It says " where there is no prophecy, the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keep the law". Some version in our manual uses Vision instead of prophecy, which is still good. A little definition to that scriptural text we read is, Where there is no vision, people Throw off their self controls, Standards, Values. Perish also means throw up self control, so we could put it like this, where there is no vision for the future, people Throw up their self control. But blessed is he who keep the law, keeping the law means, sticking to the Standards, principles and values of the LORD and also the one you have set for yourself, vs 19 of that same chapter also explain to us that's not by words, mouth making etc that you are Discipline , for although you understand what you need to do at that particular time according to your principles and standards you impose on yourself but you fail to give into it because no self discipline. So the key to your life is to find out vision that impose self discipline on you, in essence, Vision is the source of Discipline.

 Let continue.

Discipline is the root of leadership, for it is the very nature that attracts people to you. Please note this, a discipline person naturally attracts people to him, because people admire discipline in other people. This is the very reason why we go to see the Athletes and Great men perform, it is because we admire their discipline they put themselves into. If you as a person engage yourself into discipline, people will then start to believe what you say. Your very life of discipline creates trust, people trust a person whom they perceive to be Disciplined. Discipline defines your actions, a discipline person never ever do what will lead them to shame, they always guild their members (the body) to always picks and manifest good information which walk in the right path, JESUS talked about this in Matthew. This is why Athletes and Great men are use to promote an advertising market product, they use them to sell their discipline, not their Fame, I know now you think it's their Fame, but it's not, it's actually discipline not Fame. That why we think if we wear Nicky shoes, we will jump like Mike, or if we  wear Rolex wrist watch, we think we look smart as Great men. So the idea that they always sell us with anytime we see all those great men advertising a product is that if we use those products advertised, we will be like them. The funniest thing is this, most of us who ain't serious or ready to sacrifice and do all those things those great men had done to become great also end up buying those products. This is because it is the idea of the products they are using. In other words, you are buying the discipline they have put into themselve, so you are buying their discipline not Fame, and really impacting yourself with it. Take a look at this, we love to watch sports, but not play them, this is because we admire the discipline they put themselves into. The same thing is true about you, if you remain consistent and discipline in your life, you will find people coming to watch you and they will actually pay to watch you, they bring their money just to watch you do what you do.

Let go deep.

Discipline is power and according to the Bible, Discipline comes from vision. A man or a woman without a clear vision for themselves live a loose life.

Note, it is important, Discipline people live narrow life, because Vision makes life very tight for those who have it. Vision simplify lives, what do I mean by this, I meant when you catch a vision, it simplifies everything, because vision controls your choice afterwards. Once you know were you are going, you will also Know what road won't take you there. What I mean is that, if you know what to do, automatically you also know what you shouldn't do.

Vision defines your what to do in life, because it gives you your address, your permanently address in life, it shows you your destination, this were we got the word destiny from. Your Destiny detect your decisions so life becomes simple. So if someone offers you something, and it doesn't collaborate in it unity with your vision, it easy to say NO. But without a vision, it is tuff to say No,  the same goes for a yes question too.

Let go Further.

Take note.

You were not born to do everything, I was relieved when I got the revelation. We have this attitude in life that we got some much to do, I disagree with that belief, I used to think like that to before, so you don't have a lot to do in life. When you study people who became successful in life and probably became influential, like Jesus, Moses, Joseph, Joshua, David, Paul, Abraham Lincoln and Abraham himself, all their life were very simple. In fact, there is a term associated with them, and it's "This one thing I do", so you see, you have to get to the point when you begin to live for one thing. People who discover their Vision live longer and healthier, there is no stress, stress comes from not knowing what to do. You remember the story of Martha and Mary, Jesus said something that changed my life, let discussed about Martha. Martha is like most of us, we live in assumptions, even on GOD. She had a visitation from GOD, guess what she did, she assumed HE was hungry, you see the problem, we think we know what GOD wants for us. The main point from all this story is that, Vision is from GOD, you don't tell anybody what you want to do unless HE inspire you to tell the right person who HE wants. So you have to report to HIM, submit to HIM and stay until you are clear about the Revelation. Take note, without that Revelation , there is no self discipline. Martha ended up cooking for GOD and HE wasn't hungry and she ended up telling HIM that why don't  other people come to help me, send my sister to help me. Listen please,  The answer JESUS gave her was a leadership answer, HE said Martha, you are so busy about many things, and that is what your life is right now. Look at me, I haven't changed, I have grow but I haven't changed, there is a difference between growing and changing, I grow in my knowledge and experiences but I haven't changed, I am still the same guy with the same message, same intend and it is making my life so simple. Your problem is you are so busy, you are trying to be everybody and trying to be everything to everybody. That why HE said to Martha, only few things are necessary in life. Though life is full of many things and challenges, but only few things are necessary. Let me ask you a question, Are the things you have done since the past 7months necessary, don't answer me, just answer it to yourself, you might be shock with your answers, the question is then, What is Necessary.

 Let define Necessary, it is found in the Bible.

Necessary according to the apostle Paul definition, it is found in 1st Corinthians 6 vs 12, he said, All things are permitted for me to do, meaning I can do anything I want, but he also said but not all things Benefits me, it interesting to hear this. I don't care how old you are, you have no time to make a mistake, so known this, you better clear this thing up and find out what your vision is all about, define your vision so that you waste no more days. This is no time for experimentation but time for intentional living, you have to know were you are going, there is no time to take detours, corners you were not supposed to go through and wandering how you got there, you better know your destination now, you better have a clear idea of your vision, that why this Teaching is important, because you are not getting any younger, HE said, Martha only few things are necessary in life. There are some people in your life who are not necessary, some of you may have the wrong company and they are eating up your Time, wasting your time, eating with them, chatting with them, playing with them, watching movies with them, close to them, going to places with them, you know all this stuff are affecting you and GOD is telling you see, you are not still getting were you should be, This peoples are distractions, even some books, songs and movies you download are not necessary, e.g romances, magazine, faishon, you see they don't get you to your dreams. When you have vision, it simplifies life, it makes you discipline, it makes you know what books, songs, movies and things to download and not too, you see, it dictate everything. There is a saying I learnt from a great teacher, He said, a man or woman without vision, will always seat down in his living room watching a man with Vision in his television. Please take action now for your life. Glorify GOD for what you have read. Amen.

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