

Topic: How to control your Thought.

Teacher: Dr Great.

Source: Holy spirit.

 *KEY VERSE: PROVERBS 23 VS 7* " : *For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:* Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee. from King James version.

Let begin from Controlling certain Comunication we indulge in.

Before we begin, let take some philosophy.

1.Communications effect Thought.

2. If you must be able to control your thoughts, you must also be able to control the type of Communication you indulge in.

3. What you listen to is what you become.

Let define Communication. Communication is the transfer of information *(THOUGHT)* from the sender _(ANYTHING)_ to the receiver. As a matter of fact, we communicate directly or indirectly all through our lives. If you want to control your thought in life, you have to be willing to decide, determine and control the Communications you involve yourself with. Even your environment influences your thoughts, the companies you keep, the type of music you listen to, the type of movies, comedy discussion you pander in influences your thought either in a positive way or negative way. In addition, you must learn how to control all those type of communication before you can be able to control your thoughts, no wonder an ancient Roman teacher said "Do not be decieve, Evil Communications corrupt good manners", so we have to learn how to control our communication we indulge in, because it has a great effect in the type of thoughts we think. Let Further, if we must be able to control our thoughts and Communications we pander in, we must also control the *media* or medium in which this Communication is comes from.

Let discuss about the *Media* or *The Medium* . 

 Media is gotten from medium meaning to stand between the source and the object. A media controls what the receiver hear *THINKS* and understand, that why be4 you can be able to control your thoughts, you have to control The media. You might have a bad companies or a bad friend as a media who changes  your perspective and most especially, THE way you think, what I mean here is that, if you what to ask question, or you need to know something, never ever as a media, always ask THE source. The media can corrupt, clearify, destroy, protect the integrity of the message communicated which affect the THOUGHT of man. There are some wrong mediators and Communications you have involve yourself with which is affecting your thought. Every channels your watch, movie, comedy, music you download, advise you have had and will receive affect your thoughts. If you must control your thoughts, control The media and the Communications around you. If you fail to do that, you will never control your thoughts because The senses of your body will keep on downloading all sorts of stuff to your mind which will affect your thoughts.

Let discuss about the mind. 

There are two types of mind.

1 The conscious mind.

2. The subconscious mind.

You have a mind that is always conscious and you have a mind that is deeper and more important than your conscious mind. Your conscious mind feeds your subconscious mind with the informations gotten from your body senses through the mediators Communications you received. The more your conscious mind hear something, it feeds into your subconscious mind that why *REPEATATION* is dangerous, when you constantly recieve information, it goes to your subconscious mind which then becomes your thoughts. when your conscious mind hears something positive it download it to your subconscious mind and you are safe. Signorina as long as something is in your subconscious mind you can never forget it easily. But if it is your concious mind, you can forget. The problem is when something get into your subconscious mind, it is not easy to or nearly impossible forget it. That why people can't control their thoughts because there are many information that have been store in our subconscious mind which is affecting our thoughts. That why some of us keep having problem of the things we want to change, the worldly songs, the bad movies, bad advices, the bad things you listen to. At first, if you do listen to it, you feel nothing but if you keep repeating it, will reach a stage when that repeated information get download to your heartdrive (subconscious mind) and when it is downloaded into your heartdrive even do when you are not conscious of it, it keeps on repeating and running. When you press the right button, you see everything. So friends the choice you make everyday and whatever you decide to see and hear and listen to constantly will become your *THOUGHT* and your future. What you are constantly hearing becomes what you're constantly *THINKING* and seeing in life. Signorina untill you change this be4 you can control your thoughts.

How to clean the subconscious mind.

The  step to clear a heartdrive is to have THE HOLY GHOST because it is GOD software. 

2. You must have the Material which is the word of GOD.

 So when you have this two, you take THE HOLY GHOST and THE WORD OF GOD and use it to constantly hear the message they give you until your subconscious mind is clean. 

Please, if you want to control your thoughts, control the Communications, media you pander in.

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