IF THERE ARE NO THINKERS, THERE'RE NO SOLUTIONS. Corruption, Bad government and many more are not the essential problems of underdevelopment. The absent of Critical Thinking is the main cause for underdevelopment in the THIRD-WORLD countries. Every man produces a thought atmosphere that has character and power to effect a change in his society, in proportion to his ability as a thinker. Power for development increases with expansion; in thought, power is great or small as the ideas for improvement of one's world can be either high or low. You don't need to dwell upon the issues of corruption, bad governance and many more.The problem that must be critically dealt with is your inability to think and device a solution strategies for your world. Development is not chiefly rooted from good government or corrupt-free leaders, development is the product of Critical Thinking, finding solutions to effect an impact a change in the society. Countries who practice critical thinking are highly developed but regions were there are little or no thinking abilities remain underdeveloped. If corruption, bad government and many more as the case may be are the reasons for underdevelopment in your world, my question is what ideas have you come up with to annihilate such animal nature. Corruption and bad government are the least issues for underdevelopment. A COUNTRY WHERE THINKERS CEASE TO EXIST IS A STAGNANT COUNTRY. Corruption, poverty, war, hunger, inadequate healthcare services, broken infrastructure, fear, shortages of money and capital, population growth are the produce of underdevelopment. All those fruits of underdevelopment are the consequences of the absence of critical thinkers in a country. How can corruption be tackle if there are no thinkers to device a strategic way out, or how can poverty be eradicated if there are no thinkers to improve the way of living to themselves and their society. We keep on listing the reasons for underdevelopment when the primary cause for our underdevelopment is the extinction of thinkers who would had Created a solution to the so-called problem and complains we always list and resurrect. THE ONLY WAY OUT TO UNDERVELOPMENT IS THE PRACTICE OF CRITICAL THINKING. "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good", a little translate to this says demonstrate the truth or existence of something by evidence or argument deeply with the use of critical thinking in fashioning a solution to a problem or issue experiencing, and when the idea of the solution is revealed as a result of that thinking capacity, we should manifest on that thinking result, that which is good, by doing so development is rekindle and change is born. Critical Thinking, an inherent ability in man deposited by GOD is needed in development because it allows the mind of a man to question or reflect on the environment and his surrounding in search of difficulties and possible ways of overcoming those issues. By practicing critical Thinking, we are allowing ourselves not only to solve problems, but also come up with new and creative ideas which if act upon produces development. The problem entirety is that the third world countries don't think, their major aim in life is just to study to make a living not a difference, they're so ambitious in the material things of life, this is why the fruits of underdevelopment is seen among them. Critical Thinking also allows us to analyze those ideas and adjust them accordingly, it is so important that it allows man to make logical deductions. When the quest for development begins to arises and tougher problem are been given birth to, and man desperately hungers for solution, in trying to invent one, they must first understand the issues, and in order to understand such problem, inventing or creating alternative possible solution for development and problem solving techniques, they must be able to think, THERE ARE NO SOLUTIONS WITHOUT A THINKING MIND. "The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going", this could be translated as the non-thinkers believes every issues as the principal problem and remains ineffective but the thinkers critical observe, question and think on the circumstances he is experiencing in order to generate a solution which produces development. Thus Critical Thinking enables you to see beyond not judge, cultural norms and learn how to understand other factors that can influence decision making. This empathy and understanding is crucial to effective progression, teamwork and leadership needed for development in a country. Critical Thinking is a key to development in a country and even to a career success, it helps the citizens analyze information, systematically solve problems, generate innovation solutions for development and plan strategically, thinking creatively for change. It makes better decisions for a government, it help the government cope and introduce new solution strategies for everyday problems, it ensure your opinion is well informed, it improves relationships, it makes you a better, more informed citizen, it is able to see both side of any issue and are more likely to generate bipartisan solutions. NO THINKERS NO PROGRESS. IF YOU MUST DEVELOP, YOU MUST THINK. Don't be inspired to make a living, be inspired to make a difference for this is the formulae for development in a country.
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