"A man's gift (talent) maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men". This is the great principle for success in life. It is your gift that makes room for you not your education. As a matter of fact, THE SECRET TO GREATNESS IS INFLUENCES, AND GREATNESS IS MEASURED BY INFLUENCES, influences is a product of significance, significance is a product of value, value is a product of refinement, refinement is a product of uniqueness, uniqueness is a product of GIFT, and you have a talent. What you are searching for is within and around you, whatever GOD created you to become, it's not outside of you, it inside of you. You can never attain your true potent and greatness the CREATOR has designed you for in doing what you're not created, destined and programmed for in life. Succeeding in what you're never Created or ordained to do result to wasted time, gift, efforts and purpose, this is why you never accomplish your true and destined success in life. "Many plans (occupations, job) are in a man’s mind, but it is the Lord’s purpose (inherent gift or talent) for him that will stand". Your gift is the essential purpose of GOD for you not your job, you might be good at many skills, employed in many massive organization and companies but it's what GOD had put in you that'll make you successful, nothing else. If you want to be great, utilize your gift and talent, don't go searching for Job, you have a talent that can produce greater horizon. One of the chief reason you were created for is to manage GOD resources on earth with your talent and gift not to manage a Job. You came to the world with a seed not a job that is why GOD told you in Genes 1vs28 to be fruitful (productive) because HE knowns what HE had put in you already. The reason why you're not happy doing what you are doing presently is because it is not your work. Your Job is not your work, instead your gifts and talents are your work because that is what you were destined to do. Make your job your gift and succeed, don't make your skill your job. Your Job is what they pay you to do while your work (talent) is what you was born to do. Your Job you can retire from, your work you can never retire from, your job is temporary, your work is permanent. Job gives you salaries, work gives you wealth, you can get fired from your job but you can never get fired from your work, it's your gift. Your Job is what you learned, your gift is what you're born with. Either you like it or not, believe it or not, your gift will forever frustrate you in your job, it is what you are born for, this is why most of you are not really happy in your job. You are not born just to make a living rather, you are born to make a difference. If you want to be great, serve your gifts to the world. What you are looking for is trapped were you are. WHEN YOU ADD OR MAKE VALUE TO YOURSELF, MONEY AND POSSESSION WILL FIND YOU, in other words, money, possession, and the assets you are looking for is attracted to value which is in your talent not your job. Never give an excuse of lack of resources for not utilizing your talent please, the principle of talent is whatever GOD calls for, HE provides for, whatever HE demands, HE supplies, whatever GOD expects, HE injects, whatever HE assign, HE design, this is what you must know. What you are not destined for, you don't prosper, in other words, before you pick or decide on a course you want to study, business you want to establish, things you want to do and be in life, you must first make a research on yourself and make sure your purpose for existence is in line with the courses, business and things you want to be and study in life. Take a look at the birds, fishes, land animals and tress, they're succeeding and excelling in life, this is because they do what they're destined and Created for. Example, the bird is created to fly, it dominate the sky, as a matter of fact, the bird doesn't need to enroll in an aviation school to learn how to fly because that's what it is created for and it loves what it does, that why it's successful. The same goes for fish, it doesn't need swimming lessons to learn how to swim, neither does trees need to go to a growth lesson to learn how to grow, this are all inherent abilities in them which makes them successful in life. WHAT YOU LOVE THE MOST AND FIND EASY TO DO CONSCIOUSLY OR UNCONSCIOUSLY IS YOUR GIFT. You are created to deposit your treasure gift on the earth and fill the earth with your kingdom gift. GOD'S commands in genesis 1vs 26 indicate what you already possess, GOD'LL never demand what HE never gave. Your gift makes you angry when it's not properly manifested or act upon by others in the society, and you are born to do what makes you angry in society. God said in genesis 1:28, Be fruitful (productive) and multiply (increase your production) and replenish (serve your product to) the earth, and subdue (dominate) it. HE didn't said look for job or be employed rather HE said be productive. The reason why you haven't succeed in life is because you don't believe you have a product, you don't believe you are creative. If you multiply your idea, you'll not succeed because it's just inventory. Unless your idea is distributed and reveal to the world. If you refine your gift, talent and ability, people will find you, your talent is from GOD, use it and succeed. "But we have this treasure (talent and gift) in jars of clay (body) to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us" (see 2nd Corinthians 4:7). When you've a job, you get a salary but when you've a gift, you get a fees. Your primary goal in life is to die empty, you are not suppose to bring back to GOD the gift HE gave you, you are to multiply it and replenish it upon the earth, this was the parable Jesus told us in Mathew. "For the kingdom of heaven is as a man (GOD) travelling (in) into a far country (heaven), who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods (powers). And unto one he gave five (many) talents (gifts), to another two (few), and to another one (little); to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took (deploys) his journey (servants to work). Then he that had received the five (many) talents went and traded (serve his talents to the world) with the same, and made (win, inspire and Transform) them ( the souls of) other five (many) talents (people). And likewise he that had received two, he also gained (win and inspire) other two. But he that had received one went and digged (hide and bury) in the earth, and hid his lord's money (talent, ability and skill he had been given). After a long time the lord (GOD) of those servants (man) cometh (judge), and reckoneth (account) with them. And so he that had received five talents (gifts) came and brought (present) other (the) five talents (fruits of his labor) saying, Lord, thou deliveredst (gave) unto me five (many) talents (inherent abilities): behold, I have gained (utilized it, inspired and transformed) beside them five (many) talents (souls) more. His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. He also that had received two talents came and said, Lord, thou deliveredst (bestowed) unto me two (few) talents (gifts): behold, I have gained two (few) other talents (souls) beside them. His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. Then he which had received the one (little) talent came and said, Lord (GOD), I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hast not sown, and gathering where thou hast not strawed: And I was afraid, and went (did) and (not) hid (utilize) thy (my)0 talent in the earth: lo (here), there (is) thou (your) hast (gift) that is thine (yours). His lord (GOD) answered and said unto him, Thou (you) wicked and slothful servant, thou (you) knewest (know) that I reap (harvest) where I sowed not, and gather where I have not strawed: Thou (you) oughtest (would) therefore to have put my money (gift) to the exchangers (world), and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usury. Take (remove) therefore the talent from him, and give it unto him which hath ten (numerous) talents. For unto every one (man) that hath (utilizes his talents) shall (more) be (shall be) given (added), and he shall have abundance (many): but from him that hath not (utilize his talents or gift) shall be taken away even that (the one) which he hath. And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. THE WORST THING TO DO IS TO DIE WITHOUT UTILIZING YOUR GIFT. The wealthiest spot on earth is the grave yard because it is buried with treasures like books that were never written, painting that were never painted, music that was never played, business that never opened, ideas that never manifested, visions that died as dreams, plans that were never executed and purpose that were never fulfilled. All this are caused by doing what you are never ever created for. In the Kingdom of GOD, you are suppose to die empty not sick or old. Visit yourself, find your passion, idea and product, decide who you're and what you are carrying. Stop allowing other people and your job to kill your dreams and vision, no one knows what you are carrying, inside of you is an awesome person who'll change the world. Remember a man's gift makes room for him to see great men not his job, IF YOU MUST SUCCEED, YOU MUST SERVE YOUR GIFT TO THE WORLD (see Mathew 20:26-27). what you are carrying in you suppose to effect a generation.
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