


"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest (vessel) to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children". The greatest enemy of man is not sin, nor Satan but IGNORANCE. The absence of knowledge of purpose in Africa is the chief thing that must be dealt with if development must be rekindle. The rate of ignorance in our nature resources (especially), skills acquired, education, talents and historical documentation of ancient-principles, theories, techniques and process of production (most especially) is very high. This very status of our ignorance has resulted to the reduction or total absent of knowledge and low effectiveness of the process those facts can be used when refined for the benefit and development of African. Our negligent of unpreserved and documented history, ancient-ways of productions and cure findings have affected the development of our continent. If all this were preserved and documented, it would have been a stepping stone and great asset for modern technology. WHAT WE CAN SEE IS NOT NECESSARY WHAT REALLY IS. We have become a continent of clay when in reality we have gold in and around us. A lack of knowledge (most especially), absent of purpose and unfulfilled potentials is epidemic in our world. The barrenness and fruitlessness of our universities have made our continent a marketplace for the western world. In order words, our leaders, well educated citizens, professors, experts and critical thinkers of various aspects are not functioning, in fact, they have become maintenance and not producers of the creations, principles, theories and works of the western world because of ignorant. The fight for peace, unstable economy and citizens without vision have become a distraction for development.  What a tragedy, a professor of electrical engineering, nuclear and electric chemistry with full degrees and honors cannot generate energy from nature (the sun and the electromagnetic waves) for himself, or even devise a way or techniques to solve the problem of electricity in his country, he also depends on them solemnly to the extend that even if there are blackouts for months and years, he remains faithful and loyal to it. A continent with great prestigious agricultural professors and experts, engineers, medical practitioner, technological experts, experts of sciences, technology, social and art occupations can not come up with any means of productions because of it ignorant and failure of undocumented historical productions of the process things are done in various fields in past time which when refined and work on, could produces great development. As a matter of fact, with all this great experts and professors of various fields, Africa remains the continent with high amount of poverty, starvation and uncomfortable life. In addition, the private aeroplane African Presidents use are not even manufactured in Africa, what a shame. Even with the existence of many agricultural universities, experts, professors and many more in it continent, starvation still exist and food security is never attained. No wonder "HE" said "My people are destroyed because of lack knowledge". Africa, the home of many culture and language do not still have alphabetical and numerical symbols in it native tongue. For example, you might have a name in your language for letter "A" or number one (ikan or ninĂ­) but the symbol letter "A" and number "1" are still the same. And this another reason why we are undeveloped. The explanations of some hidden discoveries, inventions, theories and ideas cannot be possible because African has no native alphabetical and numerical symbols of it own. That's why our ideas cannot be hidden but rather uncovered and used for the development of the western world. The most funniest thing that exists among African countries is the adoption of their colonial Masters language, and making it the essential language in the educational system and the criteria for employment. For instance, if you don't know how to speak English or French, or you failed them in an examination, in some African countries, depending on the language of the colonial Masters that colonised it, you would not get a Job, or even graduate from the University or even be promoted to the next level or class. This behavior must be annhilated if you must develop. You have more than one languages, and numerous  prominent professors of them that can do great and remarkable job for the transformations, improvements and the refinement of those languages. But unfortunately, most Africans have adopted foreign language which have become the most important language in their country. They have become slave to their Masters in a modernized way. They have transformed themselves to a depending continent because of ignorant and barrenness, the unproductive nature of their realm. Africans, when will you get your independent? When will you stop being a depending continent? When will you develop? This is a tragedy. Africa again, one of the most religious continent are so consumed by it religion, neglecting and ignoring the useful benefits and resources needed for development. No prayers, fasting and any religious activities or ritual for development will bring improvement or productions to the continent, only applied Knowledge will result to development. Another chief cause of underdevelopment in Africa is the mentality of fulfillment define by Africans. Most Africans, define fulfillment as making a living, they don't care to make a difference, they place their minds on worldly things and this is another cause for Africa underdevelopment. Even at the basic early age of life, if you ask an African child the reasons why he would like to be successful in life, you will discover that all his reasons and inspiration is based on making a living and getting satisfied with worldly things. With this type of mindset, how will Africa develop? No wonder THE CREATOR made this statement "For my people are foolish, they don't know me. They are foolish children, and they have no understanding. They are skillful in doing evil, but to do good they have no knowledge" (See Jeremiah 4:22). THE SOLUTION FOR UNDERDEVELOPMENT IS APPLIED KNOWLEDGE. We need more practical than theories, more actions than words, go and research, go and study ancient artifact, refine and come up with latest and improved version of it. "Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth. Forsake her not, and she shall preserve thee: love her, and she shall keep thee. Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. Find knowledge not witchcrafts, look for it unwavering, go and study, study and research Nature, reduce the level of ignorance, be creative not evil and productive not wickedness, The CREATOR once said "Be fruitful and multiply", not be barren and unproductive, in order words, be productive and multiply your products if you must develop. Let all prayers, fasting, and religious ritual unify with your effort in finding applied knowledge and productiveness then you will develop. Stop wasting time on the irrelevant things in life, go and think, go and produce, be useful in life with all your qualifications. If this issues of barrenness among the professors and experts of various fields, well educated citizens, talented and skillful person, malfunction universities, absent of critical thinkers and applied Knowledge continues, there might be no future for African and it will never remain develop till eternities. He that has ears, let him hear, understand and put to practice what the SPIRIT has just said. ""My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest (vessel) to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children (generations)". This is not a prayer issue but knowledge findings and productiveness. One thing we have to be conscious about is that we are responsible for our generations success. In order words, we must be aware that we are influencing generations, so study, get knowledge not only for yourself but for the sake of your grandchildren. Ignorance is generational, it is transferable, if you're ignorant, your children will be also. Example, if you don't know anything, and you teach your children all you know, you have transfer ignorant. Or if what you know is error and you pass it on to your grandchildren, you've just transferred error. That's why you need to correct your errors now. I know it's hard, the western world society and yours aren't equal, you have been robbed of your resources. But please, the very little one's you have make use of it. IGNORANT IS PERSONAL BUT NEVER PRIVATE.

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