


“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches? And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else’s property, who will give you property of your own?.” WHEN YOU MISMANAGE THE CREATOR RESOURCES, HE PROTECT THINGS AWAY FROM YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE A BAD MANAGER. The reason we have not yet receive breakthroughs in life is a result of our mismanagement in the resources of the LORD (owner) in the hands of peoples. Mismanagement, has hindered us from the prestige, glory, success and honor we deserve from GOD. And this is still the major issue why many retard, diminish and remain stagnant in progressing in life, instead of moving up and soaring higher and higher progressing in glory they remain stagnant and never progress because of the way they handle people's properties, and even their own property as well. IF YOU CANNOT MANAGE LITTLE, DO NOT PRAY FOR MORE BECAUSE YOUR PRAYERS WILL NOT BE ANSWERED. In order words, if you are a bad manager, don't pray for abundance because it will never happen. GOD said, " if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who (including God) will trust you with true riches? If you have not been trustworthy with someone else’s property, who (including GOD) will give you property of your own?.” (See Luke 16vs10). Anything you don, 't honor, you can't receive nor inherit. “Where there is no guidance, people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety” (see Proverbs 11vs14). You want a big house, but the small house GOD gave you is disorder, how will HE grant your desire? The old fashion car HE gave you is driven recklessly and not maintained properly, how'll you receive a new model? What do you do if someone goes on a vacation and leaves their car with you to keep, and maintain for them, how do you treat another man's property. You never observe the daily routines of the car, you drive the car through the mud, dirty the inside of the car, hit the bumps on the bad road really hard, because it ain, 't yours, and GOD is taking notes of it, making sure you never get yours. Do you know why you remain stagnant, it is because of individualism, your I don, 't care attitude, you always treat people's things irresponsible, that why GOD cannot give you yours, you keep on praying, fasting and tarrying to GOD for another job, and you keep on going late, taking longer break for lunch and misbehaving, and you want GOD to give you a better job to abuse, HE is even about to take your present job because you are irresponsible. GOD watches your attitude to other people's job before HE gives you your own, if you are not faithful over little things, why will GOD give you more to waste. “And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them”(see Luke 6:31). Even the last income HE committed to you, you cannot give account on how you spent it, you keep on buying things you don, 't need, and spending on things that are not important, and you expect GOD for a raise in income. In order words, you keep on praying for a raise in income, quoting biblical verses to HIM and GOD is saying, you want me to give you a raise in income and you cannot explain to me how you used your last paycheck, you are disorganized, and you want more to disorganize. ANYTHING YOU CANNOT ACCOUNT FOR, YOU HAVE MISMANAGE. You mishandle peoples properties and expect GOD to give you yours. GOD never ever entrust something to a bad manager, no matter the prayers, fasting, prophetic claiming of a desire by Faith, if you are a bad manager, you never receive anything from everybody, including JESUS. GOD never begins you with your own property, HE starts you with another person property because HE watches how you manage it. HE said, "But all things should be done decently and in order" (see 1corinthians 14:40). The first principle of GOD is organization, GOD loves order. In order words, if you want GOD best, organize your life. If you want GOD to give you something better, you must be able to give account of what you already have. Nobody gives something to a bad manager, “A slack (mismanage) hand (person) causes poverty, but the hand (person) of the diligent (order) makes rich” (see Proverbs 10:4). Because of mismanagement, many people have hindered the blessings of the LORD in their lives, their irresponsibility and disorganization have make GOD to withhold HIS riches, wealth and blessings HE initially Planned for them to receive. “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reaps” (see Galatians 6:7). If you sow mismanagement, you will reap retardation in progress.  If you want much, you have stop mismanaging things, if really you want much, don, 't pray for much, just manage . the little. In order words, GOD says, if you want plenty, do well with little, I'll bring plenty. Plenty is attracted to a well-organized little. If you are integrity, you will get what you desire. “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much. So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will (INCLUDING GOD) trust you with true riches? And if you have not been trustworthy with someone else’s property, who will (INCLUDING GOD) give you property of your own?.” He that hast HEAR, let him hear, if really you must succeed.

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