


"O foolish Galatians (believers), who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you". "You were running well. Who hindered you from obeying the truth"? THE STUPIDITIES OF THE CHURCH, HAVE NOW BECOME THE DOCTRINES OF THE CHURCH. THE DOCTRINES, FALSEHOOD AND DEMONIC TEACHINGS OF THE DEVIL ARE REGARDED AS REAL BY MEN BUT THE GOSPEL AND DOCTRINES OF JESUS AND THE KINGDOM ARE DECLARED AS THE UNREAL OR OLD FASHION BY MEN.  "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth"(see 1st Timothy 4:1-3). RELIGIOUSNESS IS NEVER AN ATTRIBUTE OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD, IT IS A STRATEGY CREATED BY THE DEVIL TO THWART THE COMMUNION AND FELLOWSHIP OF THE HOLY SPIRIT IN A BELIEVER'S LIFE. Unfortunately, most Churches have become a victim of this evilness and this have result to the frustration and destruction of many believers in the church. Before we focus on the religiousness adopted by the church, let discuss some certain issues that must be dealt with in the church. Presently now, I don't think the church can be able to compete with the world. This has nothing to do with GOD because ELOHIM is The authentic origin of all things. The reason why I establish that sentence is because The church is no more focussing on building an army and developing it potentials by activating and manifesting the Authority given to it by GOD. Rather, the church have now become a mob which gratifies with the things that will benefits it selfish desires, even if it evil. In order words, if a church detect that by preaching the truth it benefits are greatly reduced, it repent from that truth and begins to teach evil because of it selfish carnal desires, thereby teaching and focussing on what men would love to hear rather than what GOD want to be preached to his people. No wonder HE said, "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also". Most people focus on the physical church (the buildings and all sorts of physical components) than the Spiritual church (the level of intimacy with GOD). Before we further, let's touch some key issues of the church. Apostasy in the church, the act of leaving behind, or staying away from the principles, ordinances, precepts and doctrines of GOD. In order words, the abandonment of the doctrines and principles of GOD, which allows the person to behave in an act of refusing to continue to follow, obey or recognize the doctrines of GOD. The deviation from the truth, and also from GOD'S pattern. THE TRUTH YOU PREACH, IS NOT AS IMPORTANT AS THE DOCTRINE YOU USE IN PREACHING THE TRUTH. IN ORDER WORDS, IT DOES NOT ONLY MATTERS THAT WE COMMUNICATE TRUTH, IT MATTERS THAT THE TRUTH WE COMMUNICATE IS THE WHOLE COUNSEL OF GOD. "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils". As The Church, if we start deviating from the true pattern of GOD and giving in to another doctrines aside from GOD, we are practicing apostasy. The preachings and teachings of Holiness, righteousness and uprightness have been annihilated from the church. Some churches no longer teaches holiness and righteousness, instead they invent some kind of unholy teachings just because to please the congregation they turned in to a business. This corruption in the church have resulted to imbalance which is as dangerous as falsehood. When we say imbalance, part of it means when the church as a body, begins to fight each other based on who is Spiritually right. For example, a church who invented his own message just to keep up it business from not gaining lost from it congregation, accuses a genuine church, who uses the word of GOD to preach, claiming that it so called Spiritual principles is right than the other. And this mentality of who is Spiritually right creates a division in the church, causing deviation from the original purpose of the Church to another. And they are no more interested in raising armies of GOD, instead, they are more concerned in destroying the church through their battle of who is right than the other.. Another part of imbalance is, some churches, preach or teach or behave in a way that looks like the truth, but it not the truth, the reason why it so is because, the devil have made them victims of the truth they preach that's why they deviate from the truth, in order for them to cover their weakness, some of them do so to save the church they have turned to a business. One thing we must be aware of as a church is the dimension of apostasy which is, the communicator of the message himself not being of GOD or, the communicators of those truth may be genuine but the information they are communicating is a doctrines of demons. YOU CAN BE A SINCERE MAN OF GOD, BUT THE CONTENT OF YOUR MESSAGE IS A DOCTRINE OF DEMON. A church must not be lead by itself, rather, the church must be only lead by THE HOLY SPIRIT. Apostasy must be destroy among the churches. For it is common in some churches, most especially among some leaders. In order words, they might quote scripture and deviate from the original truth of that scripture when teaching or preaching about it because of their selfish desires. Be careful with the primary aim you choose, don't allow the carnality of the flesh interfere with the doctrines of GOD, BE CAREFUL OF SEDUCTION. "For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God". Take heed. Another chief evil that most be annihilated from the church is witchcrafts and ignorance. When I meant witchcrafts, I am not talking about the flying aspect to night meetings. What I meant is, the manipulation of certain Spiritual principles of GOD. Witchcraft, is not all about flying, it is the manipulation of Spiritual principles for the sake of selfish desires. Unfortunately, some churches practices this evilness by manipulating Spiritual principles, prophecies, healing and teachings for the gratifications of self and carnal desires of their earth suit (body). They appear to be a real thing but in the reality, it just evil. The condition of a thing to become of GOD is not based on it produces a result. Moses threw his rod and it became a result, Pharaoh's men also threw their rods and it became a result. So if it is result that proves whether a thing is of GOD or not, we are going through errors. The church should not be confined by outcomes, rather, the church should learn how to look beyond results.  "ANYTHING PERFORMED OR DONE IN A MINISTRY, WITHOUT THE PRESENCE'S AND MANIFESTATION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT IS WITCHCRAFT. Because of the absence of knowledge from the Word of GOD, The church have become ignorant. They misinterpret Spiritual things for religious things and religious things for Spiritual things. The problem with some churches is that, they make a little problems becomes the major problems and major for minor. For example, some churches preaches about prosperities and money, instead of the true revelation knowledge from the Word of GOD. Prosperity and the things of the flesh are not the essentials in life, what's so important in life is the Word of GOD. The reason is this, if you study and understand The Word of GOD, you will definitely know how to make money and riches because they're principles that will be uncovered to you. If I may ask you which is important, is it the fish (the material) you eat and egest or becoming a Fisher of men ( getter or finder of revelations or a knowledge fueling station to others) through studying and understanding the word of GOD. People, including the church dies of lack of knowledge not the devil. Take note. CHRIST IS NOT COMPLETE WITHOUT THE SEVEN LAMPSTAND, SO IS THE BODY OF CHRIST INCOMPLETE WITHOUT THE UNITY OF THE CHURCH. Our unity should always be in Christ,  nothing else. We should be able to love each other because we all belong to the family OF GOD. For it is said, "show love to all men, MOST ESPECIALLY those who belongs to the FAMILY OF CHRIST. Instead of doing this, we end up busy amplifying things that shouldn't be amplified, calling and passing judgement on others, by naming them false prophets or servants of GOD. Note, the Bible didn't ask you to judge, He said "BEWARE" (take notice) of false prophets. In order words, HE clearly said this, "Judge not so that you will not be judge". We must learn to stop classifying minor things as major, and major as minor. Stop figuring out were you are against your brothers or fault finding. It not good. Stop money-winning in you, the evil mentality of growth you have in your head as the rate of increase among your congregation should be stopped. GOD idea for church is not Sunday to Sunday service, that's why JESUS CHRIST principles, patterns and ideas are different from what The church have become. The average beliver's life is a cycle full of religious activities. Religiousness in the church has caused frustration to the body of Christ. This is why most Christian convert repent from becoming a Christian after some years because, they found out that they is nothing Worthy of their staying. Many Believers are frustrated, this frustration has now become a stronghold in their life, this is why people go to church because they are forced. You must be delivered from the spirit of religion, you must Love JESUS in truth and in spirit, with your heart and your whole and be willing to serve HIM, not by force or like a system of appeasing a denomination menace. This Religious Spirit has become a generational thing in the church because it was inherited. In order words, most people go to church for going sake because it is a rule in their family or a by force thing. Because of this attitude, your commitment in going to church, and getting involved with the things of GOD has not yet changed or transformed and bless your life. This is because it is not a genuine, there's no intrinsic desire. IF WE DON'T FIND SUBSTANCE TO OUR CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE, WE ONLY FLATTER OURSELVES. This's why people can become a disaster after years of being deceitful in serving The LORD even as a dedicated pastor or worker of the kingdom of GOD; this is because the church has welcome the spirit of religiousness which produces hypocritical beliver's, rather than the genuine ones. Stop making people religious, give them life, feed their hunger and taste, transform them, give them something higher, teach them all about the Kingdom of GOD and His righteousness, for this you were Created and ordained and given a name called the light of the world. You are the solution to the problems of the world, take your position and wake up from that sleep. The government (authority) of CHRIST is on HIS shoulders (the body). This shoulder belongs to the body of CHRIST and The church is the body of CHRIST. WHATEVER HAPPENS IN THE WORLD, THE CHURCH ALLOWED IT, GIVING IT FULL PERMISSION TO OPERATE. Please note church, people who are religious never last. In order words, proximity in religious activities does not bring you close to JESUS. Christianity without construction of the true word of GOD is useless. If there's no taste of the fellowship of the HOLY SPIRIT in you, you are not the true church. No matter what you are doing, if you don't achieve this wordings in this scriptures (Revelation 5-10, 1st Peter 2-9, Exodus 19vs5&6), it is not a church. Be careful, circular humanism (religiousness) have eaten up Spirituality.  The church is a strategy, GOD system for enforcing the kingdom, GOD manifest HIS WILL THROUGH THE CHURCH. It is not a group of religious people going to a service. In order words, it's the only authorized entity system, responsible for enforcing the kingdom. It's not the kingdom, it the agency of the Kingdom government of GOD, it is responsible for the training, rebirth, refining and reforming of people into a holy nation. In order words, it have a responsibility which are "To open their (the unbelievers) eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me". Wake up church, JESUS CHRIST is not coming back for a weak Church, repent "That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish". Stop all evilness and resume your authority over the world. REMEMBER ANYTHING NEGATIVE THAT HAPPENS IN THE WORLD, THE CHURCH PERMITTED IT. UNITY IS THE GREATEST AND STRONGEST FORCE THE CHURCH ALL-OVER THE WORLD, REGARDLESS OF THEIR DIFFERENCE IN VARIOUS WAYS CAN USE TO OVERCOME THE KINGDOM OF DARKNESS.

Church, this is the WORD OF GOD TO you. "Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ; Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God".

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