

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint"(Isaiah 40:31).

A SLEEPING BELIEVER OF JESUS CHRIST, OR A PRAYER-LESS BELIEVER, IS COMPARED TO A DEAD SINNER (see Eph 5:14). Prayer is the key, it comes before anything. Anytime we pray THE POWER OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST IS RELEASED, this was why the Philistines fought against each other (See 1Samuel 14:18-21). To neglect prayer is very dangerous. The result of neglecting prayer and sleeping is found in Amos 6:1. Prayer is more important than power. Note this, THERE'S NO POWER IN PRAYER, THE ONLY POWER IN PRAYER IS WHEN WE SEEK THE LORD. This is the difference between the prayer of the world (the nations and religious people) and The Prayer of The Church. The Church must seek JESUS CHRIST if really they must pray, prayer without the seeking of JESUS CHRIST is useless and religious. The religious creatures pray in the flesh, it's a self centered prayer because all is based on the flesh. THE DEEPEST THINGS YOU CAN KNOW ABOUT YOURSELF ARE WHAT YOU GET FROM THE HOLY SPIRIT, without prayer and revelations from The HOLY SPIRIT, you will never be fulfilled until you understand why GOD made you. One thing you must know is this, PRAYER IS NOT A RELIGIOUS ACTIVITY TO THE BELIEVERS, IT IS A LEGAL ACTIVITY WITHIN A CONTEXT OF THE GOVERNMENT HE BELONGS TO. Prayer, is not just simply getting on your knees asking and looking up, speaking empty words, prayer is not just the uttering of words that means nothing, prayer comes from the heart, deep calling out to deep. GOD is not asking us to utter words, GOD is asking us to pray from the heart, genuine prayers comes from the heart (see Jeremiah 29:13). Prayer must come from the deep of your soul if not, it is not accepted. When we mean from the deep of your soul, we mean it must be genuine. Prayer brings GOD into a scene, it makes you manifest the GOD in you. Please understand this, PRAYER IS NOT ASKING, PRAYER IS THE SEEKING OF GOD, TRUE PRAYER IS CALLING UPON THE NAME OF JESUS. This's why the only way you can overcome sin in your life, is to seek JESUS in prayer. Only that, brings power over all sins and devils, over every secret sins. Take note please, prayer always brings Vision (see Jeremiah 33:3), GOD hear the prayers of the righteous and save them (See Ps 34:17). Prayer outlives a life of the man who pray, when you pray, you build a storehouse, a reservoir of prayer. Prayer answers things eternally, it brings prophecies about your life into fulfillment, and it also stop evil things about you from coming to pass. Understand this, The moment you start praying, GOD makes a way for you, "HE" makes a way when it seems to be no way. Watch this, GOD loves people to seek for "HIM", 'HE' loves to HIDE (See Job 23:8-10), this is because 'HE' want you to seek 'HIM' so that you could break the power of the flesh in you. GOD hide to try and test you, sometimes whenever GOD pulls away from you, it means 'HE'want to clean you up and purify you. Another thing you must know again is that 'HE' pulls away from us, so that 'HE' could reveal us to us, bringing change into our life (See 2nd Chronicle 32:31). Listen, you cannot find GOD half-hearted or get the anointing, if you seek GOD, Pray and The anointing half-hearted, you will never get results. We can only get The anointing and The power of GOD with a full heart. We must be consistent in prayers, when you pray daily, the power of GOD and the anointing drip into your life. Understand this, the hours you pray, is the quantity of the power and the anointing of GOD you get dripped in your life. Which means, if you pray genuinely in your secret place, where you meet with GOD for 2seconds, the anointing and power equal to 2seconds is being added into your life, while if you pray genuinely for many hours, you get anointing allocated for that amount you spent. This is why 'HE' said, "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty"(See Ps 91:1). HE that DWELLS not VISIT, if you must get the anointing and GOD power in your life, DWELL in the secret place, don't VISIT. Take note, it is hard to get the anointing but very easy to lose it, you can lose it in one day. THE HOLY SPIRIT always announce 'HIS' arrival but never announces 'HIS' departure. Anytime you stop praying, you loose all what you accomplish in one day. Understand this, Daily contact is our incredible power for dominion, when we pray, GOD power is activated more in our life, many things 'HE' starts to take care of in the future without you praying for it. Always talk to GOD not to devils out there, PRAY UNTIL GOD ANSWERS. There's no such thing as you pray once, Moses himself prayed for 40days for his brother before GOD answered (see Deu 9:18-20). You keep seeking, until it happens (See Isaiah 27:5), GOD will strengthening your inner Man (See Eph 3:16). GOD wants to be gracious to you, if only you pray (See Isaiah 30:18), when you seek the LORD, HE will fill you with (See Ps 42:7-8). But when you don't pray, you have become like the wicked who don't want anything to do with GOD (See Job 21:7). Absent of Prayer is no or zero power of the anointing and the power of GOD. When you don't pray, you become like the wicked who don't have the knowledge of GOD (See Ps 14:4), your prayless life becomes like the wicked who don't fear GOD (Job 15:4), neither delight yourself in GOD (See Job 15:4), resulting to the awakening of the self-centered spirit in you which make you turn against GOD (See Zep 1:6) because you will never know or receive counsel from GOD(See Job 21:14-16), you always end up with wrong decisions and no direction. When you pray, GOD shows you what to do, but when you don't pray, no light to you, you remain in deep darkness (See Job 21:17), no protection and preservation (See Job 21:18). The judgement of GOD is being released upon the children of those who don't pray (See Job 21:19), no mercy (See Job 21:20) and no blessings to your descendants (See Job 21:20). Genuine prayer, the seeking of JESUS produces blessings and intensify the anointing. Let talk about fasting which when combined with prayer, intensify the anointing tenfold. One thing I want you to understand is this, Fasting releases amazing power, glorious power. When people don't fast, they become idolaters to the flesh, feeding and worshipping the flesh (See 1Corithians 10:7). There are some certain things you will never be free from, without fasting, fasting will set you free from your bondages (See 2nd Peter 2:19), it gives you dominion if you lost it, fasting controls the flesh. Never forget this, Don't ever talk about your fasting, or you loss the result, whether it's for three days, twenty one days, forty days or even a day. When people don't fast, they fall into sin, that is why Adam lost power and dominion when he 'eat' (See Jeremiah 5:7), they forsake GOD. Fasting keep you close to GOD, it keep you walking with GOD. Note this, The reason why the disciples of JESUS didn't fast was because JESUS fast for them. JESUS began 'HIS' ministry through fasting, this is because it restores power and dominion, the body of Christ must understand that Fasting is the key to power. The religious creatures understand this, that's why their religion spread fast, it's because of the power of fasting. Fasting put the flesh under subject, this was Apostle Paul mean (1Cor 9:27). Fasting have a great importance, you could check it on Joel chapter 1:14. When people fast, their heart goes back to THE LORD, fasting is not some you should play with. Please understand this, before you begin to fast, you have to ask yourself this question. Always ask yourself whether is GOD-GIVING, whether GOD is leading you into it or yourself, selfish purposes. Check whether you have the right motive for the fast. Ask yourself, what specific needs are your fast for, and for what result. And finally, ask you, yourself if you are determine to minister to the LORD while you fast, according to act 14, note please, it is important you do this. I want you to understand and get this, There are three main kinds of fast, it important you get this because they are the keys in manifesting the power and the anointing of GOD in you. Please understand this, Fasting is not by might or by power, but by THE SPIRIT says the LORD.
A three day fast (3days, no food and water). 
A three day fast is FOR VICTORY OVER CRISIS. Any one who fasted for victory over Crisis fasted three days. In Act 9, during the crisis Apostle Paul encounter, he neither eat or drink water. The fast, opened Apostle Paul eyes to the need he felt to Know JESUS, Saint Paul was saved when he was praying the same day Annais prayed for him. Even Queen Esther fasted for three days, no food and water, she knew by the Spirit. The three day fast is also the fasting for the redemption and rescuing of a love one who is deeply involve in Sin (See 2nd Corinthians 4:4). If you fast for them, they'll be save. If really you fast for your love one that have been blindfolded, to see the Gospel, or have been diagnose with a difficult health problem three days and nights, they'll come out of it. This type of fasting is for CRISIS and for SALVATION, but it's mainly for CRISIS.
A 21days fast which is a partial fast. (Mainly for REVELATION see Daniel 12:3).
If you want GOD to speak to you, you need a 21days partial fast. When we mean partial fast, all what we are saying is this, you must abstain from all pleasant food, desiring to eat. For the Bible made us to understand that Daniel eat no pleasant food. Watch this, pleasant in Hebrew means desiring. So Daniel eat no desiring food, he only eat fruits and vegetables. Please get this, in this type of fast, you need wisdom to be really careful to know what you eat. 21days fasting is for REVELATION. Probably we may say, this is what happened to Apostle PETER in Act 10:10. In a partial fast, you really must be lead by the Spirit. Not all partial fast are for 21days for example 2nd Corinthians 11:27. But the 21days of genuine fasting is guarantee for REVELATION.
In this fast, you really must be lead by the LORD. The Bible only recorded four people that fasted for 40days. For example, Moses (see Deu 9:9), Joshua, because he was with Moses (see Exd 24:13-18), Elijah (see 1kings 19:17-18) and The LORD HIMSELF in Mathew. This fasting itself is never for your needs, this fasting is for Dominion in your life over demonic power, and for nations. I'll not recommend you go into the fast quickly. Make sure The LORD speak to you, you have to be really careful with this. Another thing you must know is this, anything over three days, you need to do it slowly, you come in slowly and end very slowly, no rushing. If you are led by the HOLY SPIRIT, for a three day fast, concerning a crisis in your life or your family life, no food, no water. When you come out of it, this is like of what you have to eat.
Bread, something of it kind, a easy and lighter food nature, not a heavy food 
Water. You must drink water.
Get a like nature of a piece of cake made up of figs and two cluster of raisins. (See 1st Samuel 30:11)
Please no meat, watch the amount you eat and rest very well. FASTING without prayer is useless and vice versa. If you must get the anointing of GOD and 'HIS' power, you must do this.

1 comment:


 Let thy tender mercies come unto me, that I may live: for thy law is my delight".(see Psalms 119:77 (KJV)). Before we start, it is imp...
