


This people honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from me;” (see Matt 15:7-9, Isaiah 29:13 and Ezekiel 33:31).

The greatest power, GOD have given to men and woman is the power of prayer. The greatest gift, GOD have given to every one of us is the Power of prayer. It’s important you get this because, people expect result without prayer, they think GOD will just give them what they want without prayer. In other words, if you cannot pray, you cannot receive answers. This explain why many of us don’t receive answers, you know you need something, but you are too busy or too lazy, or too proudful to TALK and SEEK THE LORD JESUS your SOURCE AND SUSTAINNER. Please tell me, how can you receive answers from a person you don’t talk to, commune or fellowship with, and know? If you haven’t yet delighted yourself in THE LORD, you will never get the desires of your heart (see Psalm 37:4-5). Seeking and turning your eyes upon JESUS is the only true PRAYER you ought to do, if you can do this, you don’t need to ask GOD before HE answers, you don’t need to be religious, for your FATHER knows exactly what you need even before you ask (see Matt 6:8). Just seek JESUS, and know who you are in HIM (see Matt 6:33). Another thing you must know is the THREE IMPORTANT THINGS OF PRAYER which are; LISTENING TO THE HOLY SPIRIT, LEARNING FROM THE HOLY SPIRIT AND OBEDIENCE TO THE WILL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. Without all these three, prayer will be something you are forced to do instead of a supernatural Force. Prayer is not a luxury, it is not a religious activity, prayer is the lifestyle of every true and genuine believers of GOD (see Psalm 62:11). This is because, only true sons of GOD seek HIM continually, prayer is the proof and test of a son, for it is a natural thing for a son to ask of his father things. RELATIONSHIP PRODUCES SONSHIP, the strongest son and daughter in THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS THE BEST KNOCKER AND SEEKER (see James 5:16 and Isaiah 27:5). GOD and prayer are united, if we can really practice prayer, that include seeking and waiting upon JESUS, it’ll produce a greater result in our life, tenfold. As I have said, prayer is a life, and it is a matter of SELF-GIVING, THE REQUEST MUST BE BACKED UP BY YOU, OR ELSE, THE ANSWER WILL NOT BE BACKED UP BY GOD. GOD cannot give things apart from HIMSELF, and you cannot take things to GOD, apart from yourself (THE CUCIFIXTION OF SELF). Prayer involve a mutual self-giving, YOU GIVE YOURSELF TO HIM, AND HE GIVES HIMSELF TO YOU, it is a two-way preposition. It is essential you understand this because most people don’t understand this, to them, it’s always give me LORD, give me, every time people think about prayer, is a one-way treat, they always say give me, give me, and they have never ever give GOD a thing, they have never give GOD their self. This is why, Kathryn Kuhlman in the POWER OF THE HOLY-SPIRIT always say, prayer is not a luxury, it is a life, you must sacrifice yourself to GOD. Literally, the request, the prayer, which is the seeking of JESUS must be backed up by you. Every answered prayer is backed up by you. For if the whole you, your body, spirit and soul does not really want it, the prayer is blocked, it will never come to pass. If the thing that you are asking for is the thing you want so desperately, if it is a thing of the same nature with CHRIST, agreed by the whole you, that prayer is answered. UNDERSTAND THIS, GOD IS CHRIST AND HE CAN ONLY ANSWER PRAYERS THAT ARE OF CHRIST-LIKE NATURE, this is what meant when HE said, if you ask anything in MY name, MY character, according to MY Spirit, I will do it (see John 14:14). Don’t get GOD to do something for you that is not of CHRIST NATURE, because HE won’t, because it is against HIS NATURE. But HE cannot do something against HIS nature, and in that limit, HE answers what you ask if it is within HIS NATURE. I have more perfect confidences in my FATHER that if I pray according to HIS NATURE, HE WILL ANSWER, this is what St John meant (see 1 John 5:14).

Facts you must never forget about Prayer.

1.   Give yourself completely in Prayer, if you do, GOD will give up HIMSELF to you.

2.   Still the mind. “be still and know that I am GOD” (see Psalm 46:10). GOD cannot get to an unquiet mind.

GOD does not only answer prayers, HE corrects prayer and make it answerable. Remember JESUS is coming very soon so turn your eyes upon HIM.

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