Revelation 2:6.
"But this is in your favor: You hate the evil deeds of the Nicholaitans, just as I do".
Note this; Don't be a "Nicholaitans", Be a Believer and a Kingdom citizen of JESUS CHRIST. Your level of authority in life, depends on your intimate relationship with GOD, It's important you get this message because most of the people you think that are among the Bride of CHRIST are not even among, they're Nicholaitians. It's so essential you get this because you will understand why you, or that person is always against THE WORD OF GOD. The Nicholaitians appear to come from a sect group at the time that followed a man by the name of Nicolas, which was ordained by Apostle Peter as one of the deacons in the early church, alongside with Stephan and others (see Acts 6:5), but however, he went back to Sin, that is why JESUS hated his sect and his ways. The three-part Greek word from which we get Nicholaitans is Nikolaites (Strong's #G3531). The first part, Niko, is defined as a conquest or “conqueror” or “destroyer.” The second part, lai, means people. The last part, tes, represents THE WORD. Taken together, the word is defined as "THE DESTROYER OF THE PEOPLE OF THE WORD". However, for better understanding, it is THE DESTROYER OF THE FAMILY OF GOD. The same implies for Santa Claus who's real name is St Nicholas, meaning THE SAINT THAT DESTROY THE CONGREGATION OF GOD. Understand this please, a nicholatans spirit, is the most dangerous and deadly spirit present in the church, this is why JESUS placed the beware of dogs sign post outside the church, warning newly believers of the dogs present in the church (see Matt 7:15, Philippians 3:2, 1Timothy 4:1-2). The church is 99% influenced by the nicholaitans, in other words, 99% of the church are heading towards being a complete nicholaitans. The nicholaitans spirit attack only believers of GOD Kingdom, so long as you are a believer of JESUS CHRIST, the nicholaitans will attack you. Another thing you must know about the nicholaitans is this, In a church setting, these people [the nicholaitans] set themselves up to rule over the lives and faith of other church members. They compel and try to force others to submit to their arbitrary position of authority that God never gave them and which he hates! The Apostle Peter warned that leaders among the church were not to dominate over the faith of others but rather exhort them to do right (see 1Peter 5:1-5). The Nicholaitans, are never interested in partaking in the Gospel, they want to be seen, they want the position of a leader. They are very judgemental and critic towards GOD'S Generals and beloved saints. This is why a person who is a nicholaitans loves opposing the chosen ones so that they could be famous with that act. They love finding faults, in other words, to them, you can't preach the right messages, whenever you decide to teach or preach to a nicholaitans, they never listen, instead, they claim to know what you are trying to tell them. Moreso, a Nicholatians prefer the destruction of the church they attend rather to submit to the authority of the church, especially if the leaders are GOD'S choice. The Nicholaitans hate authority, their aim in every church denomination is to take over from the pastor of the church. They claim they are called where as, they're not. If your behaviors are like those attributes, you are a nicholaitans. The Nicholaitans spirit is moved by popularity and money. They do work for GOD, they love whatever that comes with GOD, they are in service but don't know GOD, they are in a department, a leader, but they don't know GOD. When a person, or you, begin to abort the authority of the church or senior pastor, and claim you too are called to preach, you are manifesting the spirit of a nicholaitans. If you want to preach, go ye into the world (see Mark 16:15-16, Mathew 28:19-20), not the pulpit. What destroys a church is small of good ideas, not the bad ideas. When you tell your pastor that good idea, and he didn't accept, it becomes a problem, and this is another attribute of the spirit of the Nicholaitans. What you don't know is that, when you are possessed by a nicholaitans Spirit, you become one. You can cast away a demon, but you cannot cast away a nicholaitians, the Nicholaitans only repent and follow the right ways of GOD, that's if the nicholaitans wants to be saved. Be careful, be wise, make sure you have The Gift of Discernment. Not every body on earth is a human being created by GOD. Your friends might be a nicholaitans, you crush, lover and all sorts, be careful during this last days, JESUS CHRIST in a Heart is more important than the physical appearance. In anyway you have become a nicholaitans in your denomination, my advice for you is to Repent and seek JESUS genuinely, you still have little time to change.
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