

"The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world"!.


The Strongest power in the realm of the flesh is The Blood. JESUS death was about GOD Vision, which was the restoration, reconciliation and redemption of man back to GOD. But before we discuss about the blood, I'll like us to understand what sin is. Take note please, Sin is not limited to telling lies, stealing, robbery, fornication and all sorts of evil things. When we mean sin, all what we are talking about is rebellion, in other words, Sin means guilt of Rebellion. And rebellion simply means the refusal to accept some authority. So when man feed on the fruit in the garden of Eden, he simply refused the authority which was given to him in the garden of Eden. Now watch this, man supposed to be GOD-Centered, but the moment he consumed that fruit, he literally activated the power of SELF conciousness and became subjected to the flesh. This is why immediately all those things happen, the flesh made them (Adam & Eve) to realize that it was naked, giving rise to what we know as being SELF CENTERED. Take note, THE FALL OF MAN WAS THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE FROM THE SPIRIT AND THE KINGDOM OF GOD. As a result of the disobedience, the activation of self-centeredness and the declaration of Independence from GOD'S SPIRIT and KINGDOM, man rebelled against GOD. In other words, he committed a sin; violating a law of God. It important you know this, when Adam took that fruit, he CORRUPTED THE BLOODLINE with sin. This was why all of us rebelled, all this happened because we were all trapped in Adam loins. That's why, you don't teach a baby to lie, or to be envious of another baby's toy, or to steal, it all came from Adam through the CORRUPT BLOOD, it is the spirit of rebellion called sin. I want you to understand this, The endpoint, or the end product rather, of sin is DEATH. If you contaminate your blood with sin, it'll yield death, and death is to sin. I want you to understand this, that GOD established the penalty of sin which is death (see Gen 2:17). Death was created by GOD, in addition, the first person to introduce death to the world was GOD. At that time before the fall of man, GOD made death deathless, but when man fell, disobeyed and rebelled, he activated death to have power over him. Please note this, when we mean death, we're not talking about the mortal decay of the body (the earth suit), the mortal decay of the body, is a principle established by GOD in Genesis 3:19, in other words, all creations will manifest that principle we call death (death of the body). But when we mean death, all what we mean is THE DISCONNECTION AND CONDEMNATION of man. So when GOD said to Adam, "for in the day you eat of it (the fruit) you shall die", all what 'HE' was saying was the day you eat of this fruit, you shall be CONDEMN and DISCONNECTED FROM ME. Because of this disconnection and condemnation, man could not access GOD, unless with the blood of lamb which only covers their sin temporary (Lev 14:12-15), this was why the prest had a dip of blood on his ear to access GOD, on his thumb to work in the services of GOD, and on the toe which is walking on the protection of the Love of GOD. This were the things man lost through disconnection, access to hear from GOD, serving in the ministries of GOD, and the walking on the protection of the love of GOD. Please understand this, Satan didn't create death, he instigated the rebellion, he capitalize on GOD instruction because he knows that GOD never break HIS laws because HE'S too FAITHFUL. That's why he stir-up the rebellion by making man sin so that GOD'LL exercise HIS Word, this why the devil is called the accuser of brethrens. The devil made man rebelled and was disconnected and condemned to the extent it affected the blood, in other words, death is in the blood. As a result of the problem GOD created, not of rebellion, but of the penalty of rebellion ("for the day you eat of it, you shall die"), GOD needed an Adam (man from earth) to die (face the penalty) to save and purify everybody on earth, including the first Adam (see 1Cornithians 15:45-49) . That's why when the blood became corrupted with rebellion and sin, GOD needed a man (not any other creations but man)  to die and  purify the whole world from death by the shedding of blood (see Heb 9:22). Take note, THE BOOK OF St MATHEW GOSPEL IS NOT AND NEVER THE BEGINNING OF THE NEW TESTAMENT, THE NEW TESTAMENT STARTED IMMEDIATELY JESUS DIED AND THE DIVISION OF THE CURTAIN, you must understand this. Let talk about what the Bible says about the blood. The Bible says, all life is in the blood (Lev 17:12-14), all healing is in the blood, all nutrients are in the blood, all protection is in the blood, all sustainer are in the blood, life and death is in the blood, every diseases in the body is in the blood, it is the blood that make atonement (Lev 12:10), this is why GOD created animals because, Incase man sin, he could use the blood of an animal for a while, temporary (Lev 12vs10, Lev 17:14), all organs in the body are serving the blood, in other words, it is not gunshot that kill, but the leakage of blood from the body. Adam corrupted the blood line through sin and death, "Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man(Adam), and death through sin, and in this way death came to all people, because all sinned—". Because of this, the corruption of the blood line, JESUS had to come. The reasons why we follow JESUS is because, HE possess and incorruptible blood, sin was and is never found in HIM, this was why, HE was never born from a man, His birth was without a earthly father. That's why, HIS birth is important to HIS death. Note this please, IF JESUS WAS BORN OF A MAN, HE WOULD HAVE NEVER DIED FOR US, HIS BIRTH AND DEATH MADE HIM DIFFERENT FROM ALL RELIGIOUS LEADERS,  His blood was never with the corruption of Adam. Please listen, NO MATTER HOW GOOD OR HOLY A MAN IS, HE POSSESS A CORRUPTED BLOOD FROM ADAM BECAUSE, THEY WERE BORN OF MAN. JESUS CHRIST IS THE ONLY SAVIOUR, NO ONE ELSE, NO RELIGIOUS LEADERS OF ANY KIND CAN SAVE YOU, EXCEPT JESUS. This is because anything on earth, including to GOD is not trusted and Holy to GOD, it is contaminated, in other words, any blood that's not pure, gives death, diseases and all sorts (see Dey 12:22-23).  In the new testament, JESUS The Lamb of GOD (see John 1:29-31), gave us, by transfusing HIS incorruptible blood, redeemed, renewed, recompensed, restructured, restored revived us back to GOD and save us from condemnation (1Corinthians 6:20), making it possible for GOD to in dwell us (1corithians 6:19). As long as the blood is in you, you are safe (Romans 8:1), The blood (JESUS'S BLOOD) heals and restores (see Hos13:14), His blood is the purifier and cleaner which is Holy and pure, and it will continue to last forever, no more need for the blood of an animal, His blood is the wine (the Holy Communion) that gives eternal life, it is therefore Holy, pure, right and gives life, that's why we drink the communion of JESUS blood, The wine ”; the last Adam(JESUS), a life-giving spirit"(see 1corinthians 15:45). The blood of CHRIST flows in you, there no evil things have Dominion over you, JESUS CHRIST LOVES YOU, TAKE REMISSION FOR YOUR SINS AND BECOME SAVE, HE LOVES YOU.



  1. Powerful
    Every believer should read this

    1. This needs to be taught verbally
      God bless you for this sir

    2. This needs to be taught verbally
      God bless you for this sir



 Let thy tender mercies come unto me, that I may live: for thy law is my delight".(see Psalms 119:77 (KJV)). Before we start, it is imp...
