"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace"(see Isaiah 9:6).
There are some few things I will like to clarify to you, and bring you understanding to, as much as the birth of Jesus is concern. Most especially the profound reason behind his birth, why Jesus had to be born in the flesh, though he was God who was forever there in Himself in eternity, one who have no beginning, and who will never end , as a matter of fact, we will never get to his end, yet he had to be born. So we are here to talk about the mysteries behind. Please, I encourage you to listen attentively because this is a kind of message you can't say oh!, I know what is about to be said, there's something wonderful you need to look forward to that will enhance you and better you, it'll bring the best out of you, so please listen to what God have for us, this is the message of the season. It is a privilege to celebrate Jesus. In other words, we are very delighted and happy to have the birth of the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the Master himself. Now, studying the prophecy of Isaiah in the book of Isaiah 9:6, there's something striking I need us to examine when he started saying the prophecy. Note, He said, "for unto us", that means for our sake, in other words, the child that is about to be born is for our sake. We are the reason for his birth, he is not just been born, but born unto us, which is for our sake. I need you to really understand this, if you truly understand this, your life will change forever. If you can understand that the reason why Jesus was born was because of us, the way you approach and live life in time will drastically change. Now let further, he said, "for unto us a child is born, and unto us a son is given". I need you to note that the giving birth of a child, and the giving away of a son are two different things, this is happening right on the day of christmas yet they are two different things. Now to further with, there's a child that is to be born, and then a son that's given, it sounds as if he's referring to two different people but this is the same person going through different transition of growth. As long as Jesus was still a child, he had to be born unto us. Now take note that children are born unto us, but the fact that children are born unto us doesn't mean children are given unto us. When children are born, they have to develop in becoming a son before they are then given, that is why it is written that "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son" (see John 3:16). A son is given when he has become a son, not children, children are not giving, children are birth, so as much as children are born, we don't have them, until they become sons before they are given unto us. And this is the same thing concerning Spiritual and physical things, you cannot be appointed CEO of that company if you still remain a child, that's someone that is immature in the business. Even concerning money, you can't be given that large amount of money, or become wealthy if you are immature in life and also with money. In other words, God cannot assign those large congregation, those great spiritual manifestation, those deep mysteries of his kingdom and souls of men to you, if you still remain a child in the spirit, until you become an obedient son before God will give you to the world. God can not give a child to the world. And the reason he cause this to be so is to avoid corruption from the world of that young individual because he's immature of GOD and the things of God. That's why your prayer request for God to use you to reap the nations at this stage is not yet answered, you have a wilderness to stay in becoming an obedient son, and when that happens, you will be given to nations, creeds, languages and generations. Understand that there is a difference between a matured obedient son of the kingdom, and a matured disobedient son of the kingdom and a falling son of the kingdom. Don't confuse each for each when understanding. Now concerning a matured disobedient son, as much as it tagged sin, it also refer to those individuals who refuse to become matured of God and the things of God according to his will. In other words, it refer to those so-called average Christians who are born into the kingdom as a child, and remain a child until their earthly death, and also continue as a child in eternity. Please understand that God's will/wisdom for us is to become sons and not children of the kingdom (see Gal 4:19). Now the reason why the term "mature" was used is because those who are already save, and are disobedient to the will of God for them to be mature, have successfully willing device a way to hinder every possibility of them becoming matured in God and the things of God. Now one thing you need to know is that only few people who still remain children and not sons manage to make heaven in their children state. The reason for that is because it is easier for a child to be tempted and become a falling son, in other words, a children that is unwilling to be matured and is pressured to be mature will definitely rebel against the one pressuring him. So first, for a person to becoming a falling son, he also has to become disobedient to maturity. Note, I said "also" because there're many way in one reason for a person to become falling. Don't think becoming a child of the kingdom of God is enough to prevent you from sin, it is only a matured obedient son of the will and wisdom of GOD cannot sin, this is because he walks in light of the meat he receives from God and not the milk he knows about God (see 1 John 3:9). Note, the word there translate regenerate, so having been regenerated by the Spiritual truths and mysteries of the word of God which is another characteristics of a son, you can't sin. Note, deep mysteries, and spiritual truths are with sons and not in the mouth of a child. I'm not saying that the basis of Christianity is not important, what I'm saying is that you don't remain a child for long in a matured sinful world because you will be easily deceived by every wind of doctrine (see Eph 4:14). A falling son simply means a rebellious son, and a matured obedient son simply means a son that has matured in the will and wisdom of God he obeys. Now, back to the our discussion. Come to think that Christ was born to us and yet we never had him, untill he matured to becoming an obedient son, and at that point, the father had to offer and to give. It's important to note, because we make a mistake in that area, we give children when they are still children, and yet, a child shouldn't be given, a child should be birth, and you give a child enough space for him/her to develop and improve. It is when a child has become an obedient son, that you look forward in handing over. So what was given to us was a son, and what was birth unto us was a child. Take note, when we say birthing of a child, all what we are saying is the bringing of a likeness into existence. That's why, even in business, education and others, the bringing forth of an idea into existence contributed great to it success. That's why we are all ideas of the wisdom of God born into existence, and require the word of God for maturity in becoming who we had been in Christ. So there is a period of time we have to look at as Jesus was coming into the world, I want us to go through the list of title given to him in Isaiah 9:6, it wasn't just a son. "And his name shall be called wonderful, note, how many times have you mentioned the name wonderful and not realizing you are calling him wonderful, is him that you are referring to, as many times you have mentioned the name wonderful, you where referring to him, wonderful. This is why when an individual does something that is beyond the human ability, the term wonderful is said. This is because only the Lord Jesus has that capacity and ability to do so. More so, he's also called counselor, The Mighty God. Now, what's intriguing about the introduction of Jesus is the fact that the Prophet wasn't saying and his names shall be called, it's his name that is called wonderful, counselor, The Mighty God, The everlasting Father, and all those names of God, this is God's name, they are just one names, then how comes do you go on to give us a list of names when it's just one name, "and his name shall be called". Now, what you need to understand is that all of God's names are embedded and capsulated within one name, that's why we have a long list of names of God, and yet they are descriptions of one name. Wonderful, counselor, The Mighty God, note, he's not weak, but a Mighty God, this is the same child, the same son who is Mighty. Then we have the everlasting Father, the only Father that last forever. Then we also have, the Prince of Peace, he's in charge of peace, he governor, he controls, he overseas peace. And of the increase of his government, there'll be no end. We will come back later to discuss that, but now, I just want you to have a look at this. But now, why was there a need for God who's the word to be born, why was it important for him to be born as a child and be given as a son. Now, here is the mystery. Jesus said something in the book of Hebrew 10:5 which is, "wherefore when he comes into the world, he said, sacrifice and offering you wouldn't receive, but a body has you prepared me". Observe, it said, wherefore, when he comes into the world, in other words, the time he came into the world. Now, you must take that explanation being given seriously, it means there's a time that Jesus came into the world he created, that moment is an amazing moment in the history of God creation, after he had made everything, created everything, he then at some point chose to come to interact with his creation, he came in the world, stop looking forward to that, he came into the world, he was once here, so when he came into the world, he utter a statement during his time in the world, now let us hear what he said. "Sacrifices and offerings thou wouldest not". In other words, you desire it not. Now, a verses before and after, he's describing the irrelevant of the sin offering, the blood of the bulls and goat, which are insufficient to take away the sin of the world. So it's in that bracket that Jesus had to be introduced because God the Father had lost interest in the sacrifices and offerings of sin, the emphasis is on sin, he desire not because he realizes that all those animal kill for the remission of sin are not enough. But to correct that, there was a need for a body to be prepared for him, and this is the time we are celebrating. Going back to the school of thought, who is this, Incase you think he's the body, who is speaking, the preparation of his body, and yet what is amazing is when you hear him make reference to his body and he says, what you prepared for me, he is the me, he is separate from the body that was prepared not created, in other words, you prepared a body for me. Now the one saying what's being said here is proven to be in existence way back before the body was prepared for him. This wasn't his first time to exist, he watched his body getting prepared, and he was told, this is what makes him an everlasting Father. Being there forever, and yet at some point in time, his body had to be prepared, specifically for him. Now, understand that to prepare is different from to create. When we mean prepare, we are saying, making something that's already created ready or fit or suitable beforehand (time of manifestation). But when we say create, we mean bring something into existence that's entirely new and not in existence. This reveal to us that Jesus had come to the world physically before he was born, this explain the melchizedek manifestation. So a form suitable and fit for his purpose aside from his melchizedek form was prepared. This shows you that you don't need to modify your body, or your complexion, your are created perfectly according to the purpose assign to you by God to fulfill. Please understand that there was a time that Jesus was outside of that body, and there was a time he was in that body, so not only did Jesus come down into the world, he also entered a physical body. He entered into the physical body that God the Father had prepared for him, but there's also a reason aside from the manifestation to suit his purpose, why will they prepare a body for God, so that at some point in the future, we'll have the birth of God. Why was it necessary? "A body has thou prepared for me", this is the body that is born today. Note, it's not really important when Jesus was born, what's important is the fact that he was born. Now, two things, what's important is not December but that he was born, and also the celebration aspect is amazing, you can't ignore the birth of such a man, because even when he was born that they that he was born there were movement of heavenly element, you can't ignore such a man, he's worth celebration. But for him to be here, a body had to be prepared, the preparation of the body was for what reason, that passage of scripture is yet at the center of sacrifices. The verse on top talks about the insufficiency of the bulls and goats, and the verse below talks about bullock. So Jesus is coming to replace those other sacrifices that was put in place by the levitical other, and all those sacrifices are a shadow of him. So he suppose to come and take over and become a sacrifice so that he will put an end to the rest sacrifices of sin. Note, the offerings and sacrifices continues, the giving continued, even after the sacrifice of sin was given. Please never make a mistake, it's a sacrifices of sin. But the reason why he's body was in the middle of the bulls and goats in that scripture was because his body was also needed for a sacrifices. So what you see happening there is the preparation of not just a body, but a sacrifice. So the father wants his son to be, but son can never give what Father have not given. As a son you can't give a body that wasn't given, it takes a father to prepare a body to the son that he can then offer. You will never be found given what was not given to you, what you will sacrifice on the cross was what the father prepared for you. For Jesus to give himself, he need his father to give him what to give. So what was given to Jesus was a sacrifice so that he would sacrifices it. Had he chose not to give it, he wouldn't have become a sacrifice. But, it was up to him now, to enter into a physical body, and to cultivate it, and to keep it in a certain way, that even after thirty three years, still the body was qualified to become the perfect sacrifice. So the body that was prepared for him, Jesus was given permission to enter it. And during his stay in that body, he was aware of the meaning of the body, that he is here living in a sacrifice, that he was there to keep it perfect for the appointed time. So every sin the body would have wanted to commit, the restrainer within the body was so effective in ensuring that the body remains without spot and blemish. So that when the sheep goes through different phases of assessment, the king would have to wash his hands and declare the sheep clean and ready for slaughter, Pilates said "I don't find any fault in this man". So what Jesus was doing in that body is the interaction, the entering of the Divine into human. This was another reason why he was in that body. Jesus in the body was the dramatization of what we now call salvation, what's been tried and what's been tested is the act of salvation, because eventually, when Jesus get into us, he gets into us as a spirit, God's Spirit, which is why he is able to fill us at the same time, which was never achievable when he tries it in the flesh. So when we get born again, it's the same statement, "a body has thou prepared for me". Let me explain. Before Jesus was born again, note, all the man in the old testament who walked with Jesus was not born again, until Jesus became the sacrifice and his body was subjected to become tortured and ultimately death, then raised from the death. Now it has now become possible for God to dwell within man, but before that was happen after the cross, there was need for it to be test run before the cross at the time of his death. Is it possible for God who is Divine to dwell in man. Before you talk about salvation, let us try it now, and the Father prepare a body of the same texture, a human body, and let us see if the Lord can stay in there for thirty three years and keep the body from sin. So this is salvation being dramatise, let us test it, because after the cross, this is what we will be doing, indwelling humans, we are going to enter into physical body, and cause them to be sinless. So Jesus entering the human body was no first at salvation, it had to be tried during Christmas, let have a purely hundred percent human body, and let us have the everlasting Father, the Mighty God, and let see if he can fit very well and not overpower and not overwhelm that body, can that body carry the everlasting Father for thirty three years before salvation, and it was tried. So Jesus was in the physical body, which was a trial before he occupies you, and the experiment was successful. So this is happening during Christmas. Now, we have God who have been there forever, in a child, and he's there quiet as a mighty God, knowing that he ought not to say a word until he matured, he had the ability to perform miracles, and yet he chose to remain quite. Note, that level of maturity, only a Father can do that in a child. So God prepared a body specifically for the test running even if he knew it Divinely, yet, an action was needed, can God be in a man, and a man will not sin, can God be in a man, and a man can walk on water, can God be in a man and the sick, lame blind are healed, all this were experimented, that's why he didn't die the day he was born, yet he had blood already, what we needed was blood, and there was blood in him as a little baby, and chances for him to be killed was there, the day he was born, children were being kill, and the message was run away with this child, and yet, he had blood already, he is a lamb. The reason why he wasn't killed was because they wanted experimenting with the body of man, seeing it practically what the body can do with the Divine, what will they become if they are born again, let see what they are capable of even yet knowing it as God. When we are celebrating Christmas, we are not celebrating God becoming spirit, but God becoming man. The word becoming flesh, we are celebrating it now. It is a joyful things when a spirit of a thing finally find it way into the thing. We are celebrating the coming together of both the physical and the spirit, where we have God becoming one with his creation. What's been done when we celebrate Christmas today is the success, it has been proven through scripture that it is possible for the everlasting Father to dwell in the physical body, after that salvation becomes successful. We are also celebrating the death of self. Because as Simon who was in the temple saw and meet with salvation as he called it in Luke 2:30, he ceased to live, and this is the same with us, when we meet with salvation, we no longer live the self life, it is Christ that live, it's not all about us, but about him, it him that have to live from that moment, and self died. So Jesus staying in the physical body on Christmas day was a preparation for salvation we have today. In other words, Christmas is the birth of salvation, that's what we are celebrating, so if I'm smart enough, I will look at what he did with the body, because what he did in that body, he is ready to do it with me, only if I surrender to him. So if Jesus was without sin because of the present of a Spirit, then who I'm I having that same Spirit to sin. So from birth to death, all was about the dramatization of salvation and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Please understand that when we talk about Christmas tree and decorate it with gifts, all we are actually symbolizing is the cross of Jesus Christ and the gifts and benefits of his cross. Also note, it's Christmas not Xmas, when you say Xmas, you cancel Christ from the equation and you being to celebrate idols. So I encourage you all to celebrate Christmas knowing, understanding and living what you have just read, remember Jesus loves you, Merry Christmas, shalom
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