

 Text :- Galatians 4:19, Romans 8:29, Romans 12:1,2

Precious darling Jesus we thank you once again, speak to our soul, and breathe upon our spirit to be transformed in Jesus mighty glorious name..... Amen.

We are going to be discussing on transformation. I want you all to read attentively and get the right information. We are going to be discussing on transformation from where we read last time from the book of Romans 12:1-2. We are going to be looking at what transformation is, how to be transformed, what to be transformed, and why transformation is important in the kingdom. Transformation- is derived from transform which means "to change the form" . It is gotten from a French word "transformer" , from a  Latin  "transformare", which also means change in shape. Transformation is a complete change, which is simply the act or process of changing completely. Transformation entails the meaningful, deep changes within individuals as they are touched by the Holy Spirit and as they mature in their experience of an expression given to their faith. Transformation is a very important process in every living creatures created by God. It's a lifestyle one must undergo on earth. A typical example of living organisms which undergoes transformation is a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. For a caterpillar to be changed into a butterfly, transformation must occur. Hence, transformation is an important process one can't live without. Transformation is subdivided into two, which are; the human transformation and Spiritual transformation. We are going to be looking at the human and the spiritual transformation.

Human Transformation:- Is an internal change that brings us in alignment with our highest potential. It is at the heart of every major aspect of our lives. It affects how we see and relate to the world, how we understand our place in it. Human transformation is an important process in our lives every human must and will undergo. Every living thing on earth created by the creator which is God must undergo a process called "Transformation". Humans, plants and animals, both aquatic and terrestrial creatures, undergoes transformation because it affects how we see, relate to the world and how we understand our place. The human transformation is a gradual process. There's no timeline on inner transformation. It is a life time of development which happens gradually. The human transformation provides a clear path for each individual to live up to their full potential and to their lives with greater purpose, clarity and passion. The human transformation is controlled and influence by connecting with other people such as our role models, siblings, older friends, counselors, parents, teachers, grandparents, etc all those individuals influence us and inspire us by showing us what we can become positively. 

Spiritual transformation:- is simply the process by which Christ is formed in us. Christ is formed in us by the renewing of our mind. Galatians 4:19 says, "my little children, for whom I am again in the anguish of childbirth until Christ is formed in you!". The writer of Galatians which is Paul the apostle talks about transformation as simply the process by which Christ is formed in us. Paul spoke in anguish in extreme distress that until Christ is formed in you, you are not a son, but a children, a slave to elemental spirits of the universe (see vs 3). The bible explained in Romans 8:29-ESV: "For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers". It's the heart of the father to dwell in his sons. We Christians did not stumble into this relationship with God. Paul meant to comfort us in our waiting and suffering, as we long to be with God and be glorified by Him. He has just described believers as people who are called according to God's purpose. As long as you have received and accepted Christ as the King over your life you are called into His purpose. It is God's purpose to change us by progressively transforming us more like Jesus and it's our duty as believers or as christians to willingly surrender and seek for the formation of christ in us by the renewing of your mind.

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